Friday, February 3, 2012

R12 An Error Occurred When Trying To Reconcile Multiple Payments From Different Orgs ORA-01403 FRM-40735

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Problem: R12 An Error Occurred When Trying To Reconcile Multiple Payments From Different Orgs ORA-01403 FRM-40735

Note 1137948.1
R12 An Error Occurred When Trying To Reconcile Multiple Payments From Different Orgs ORA-01403 FRM-40735

On 12.0.6 version, Reconciliation and Clearing
Find that by selecting several transactions in clear transaction form related to bank account and press clear transaction button, only one or two transactions have been cleared but the rest of the transactions which were selected before didn't clear but the system has been created accounts for all transactions which selected.
Consequently when search again then select these transactions and press clear button the system creates accounts again to these transactions. It means there are duplication in the journal for the same transaction.
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Form - CEXCABMR.fmb
Pacakge - CONTROL Procedures
Before calling the database package procedures of CE which, in turn, call AP Package procedures, the code in the above procedures sets the context to single org and then resets to Multi Org after the call is over.
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The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
-Cash Management Responsibility --> Bank Statements --> Manual Clearing -- > Clear Transaction.
-Enter account number then press find button.
-Select the transactions that I want to clear.
-Press clear transaction button.
-Close the window.
-Repeat the first two steps.
-Find the transactions I selected before except the last one or two lines I have been selected.
-Select again these transaction then press clear transaction button.
-And so on untill all transactions are cleared.
-Run create account request.
-View the result and I find duplicate journal for same transaction

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1 ) Code Fix by applying the latest code version of the form and gain retest the occurrence of the issue:

1) Please download and review the readme for Patch 9790093:R12.CE.A
2) Please apply Patch 9790093:R12.CE.A in a test environment.
3) Please confirm the following file versions:

forms/US CEXCABMR.fmb 120.168.12000000.68

You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a ffffffff |grep '$Header'
4) Please retest the issue.
5) If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

2 ) Please review published Note 1119757.1
Apply the GDF Patch 9231279:R12.AP.A to resolve this issue.
Follow the instructions properly as given in the read me section.

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