Wednesday, June 29, 2011

use WebAdi to upload Journals :the connection to the server is unavailable, Please contact your support representative

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On When attempting to use WebAdi to upload Journals,
the following error occurs:

"The connection to the server is unavailable, Please contact your support representative"

Due to this issue, Unable to upload the data for one month


1.Follow up the instructions for applying patch 5711361 in a Test instance first.

This patch inluded in
Applications Technology (patch 5903765)
Applications Technology (patch 5473858)

2.Assign responsibility Desktop Integration Responsibility for users work on WebADi
You can refer to note 287080.1

3.Retest your issue

4.Migrate solution as appropriate
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Edit existing TCA

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Problem Description: Log into TCA using Oracle Trading Community Manager and  Edit existing TCA Relationship 11.5.10 CU3

The relationship of "Manager of" was created as a non-cyclic relationship through Trading Comm Manager Responsibility.
We need to edit this and make this a Reciprocal relationship with " Employee of" as the reciprocal relation.

This functionality is not available.

There is an Enhancement Request raised on this -

Currently, if Relationship Types is created with appropriate phrases &
roles, the phrases, roles and the Relationship Type names cannot be updated
from the RM UI. This causes problems since our UI doesn't support
inactivating the relationship types too.

Super Users or users with RM access ought to be able to update phrases, roles
and the relationship types. Users currently have to go to AR lookups to
update the phrases which is not a clean way of managing relationships in case
they need to make updates to relationship types.

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Common questions about merge apps patches

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Can we merge patches in Oracle apps?


You can merge multiple patches into a single patch by using AD Merge Patch. This AD
command line utility merges multiple AutoPatch-compatible patches into a single,
integrated patch. Once the merged patch is created, you use AutoPatch to apply it in a
single operation. Applying a merged patch reduces the time it takes to complete the
patching process.

In general, you can safely merge any Oracle Applications patch with any other Oracle
Applications patch. Older split driver patches can be merged with newer unified
driver patches. Patches can and should be merged with their listed prerequisite
patches to make patch application easier.

Additional Information: See AD Merge Patch in Oracle Applications
Maintenance Utilities.


Can we merge the NLS patches along with US patch and apply the same


You can merge .However the recommended method is:
If an Oracle Applications system contains multiple languages other than American
English (US) and you are applying multiple patches for each language, the
recommended method is to merge all US patches into a single patch and all patches for
every non-US language into a single patch. Then, apply the merged US patch followed
by the merged language patch.

You can also merge US patches with the additional language patches or merge each
language in separate language-specific patches. Depending on your downtime
window and your system topology, it may be necessary to keep the US and non-US
patches separate. (See Applying an Emergency NLS Patch in this chapter). This
procedure assumes that you will apply US and language patches separately.

 Basically you can try 2-3 times on a test system which is cloned from production to apply the merged patch US and ARABIC .
If no errors then you can apply on production.


What are the cases merging will not work out?


AD Merge Patch cannot merge patches of 
different releases,
different parallel modes, 
different platforms. 

However, it can merge patches for a specific platform with a generic patch, or
patches with different source character sets. 

AD Merge Patch
notifies you if you try to merge incompatible patches.

However, patches that affect the Applications DBA (AD) product must be handled
separately. AD patches can be merged with other AD patches, but AD patches and
non-AD patches cannot be merged because AD patches may change the AutoPatch
utility itself. Merged AD patches must be created separately and applied before you
apply non-AD patches.
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Can we merge the NLS patches along with US patch and apply the same

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Problem Description:
Problem Description: Can we merge the NLS patches along with US patch and apply the same

You can merge .However the recommended method is:
If an Oracle Applications system contains multiple languages other than American
English (US) and you are applying multiple patches for each language, the
recommended method is to merge all US patches into a single patch and all patches for
every non-US language into a single patch. Then, apply the merged US patch followed
by the merged language patch.
You can also merge US patches with the additional language patches or merge each
language in separate language-specific patches. Depending on your downtime
window and your system topology, it may be necessary to keep the US and non-US
patches separate. (See Applying an Emergency NLS Patch in this chapter). This
procedure assumes that you will apply US and language patches separately.

Basically you can try 2-3 times on a test system which is cloned from production to apply the merged patch US and ARABIC .
If no errors then you can apply on production.
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How to expose Oracle Sourcing home page to external vendors?

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Problem Description: How to expose Oracle Sourcing home page to external vendors?

Note 308271.1 Enable Web Access By External Supplier Users to Oracle iSupplier Portal and Oracle Sourcing
Note 395530.1 How To Diagnose An Issue Where External Supplier Users Cannot Access Sourcing Pages
Note.344749.1 How To Setup Oracle Sourcing Access Through Reverse Proxy / URL Firewall
Note 215097.1 Pricing in Negotiations - Auction, Offer, RFQ in Oracle Sourcing and Oracle Exchange
Note 731079.1 Sourcing Notifications - Please Click Here To Respond - Incorrect URL (Using Reverse Proxy)
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ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 26894)

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Errors in file /admin/bdump/sid_smon_14277.trc:
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 26894)
ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u02/oradata/prd10/data/system01.dbf'
Sat Jan 24 20:50:12 2009

Corruption in system datafile
One of the Cluster C_TOID_VERSION# in SYS schema is got corrupt,

Need to skip the corrupt and take a full database export

This object cant be recreated

-- To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::
Unfortunately, it cannot be Dropped and Recreated because they are an number
underlying tables associated with it and they cannot be Dropped as it is not supported.

SQL> select table_name from dba_tables where cluster_name='C_TOID_VERSION#';


However, perform an Analyze on the cluster and each of the tables to verify the
corruption. But you said you did this and showed error right

object=C_TOID_VERSION# which is a segment cluster. This is a boot
strap object for Oracle, so it cannot be dropped or truncated to remove the

You must be aware that your option may be limited here dur to the corruption in
the system datafile. You may have to either restore from a backup and roll forward,
or you are able, you may have to export the database, then rebuild it.

If restore and recovery is not possible due to no backups then
Try settting the Event 10231 and perform a complete full database export.
once the full database export is completed recreate the database using the
export dump.


Event="10231 trace name context forever, level 10".

After setting this event in the init.ora restart the database.
then you can do a full database export . This event will allow to skip
corrupted blocks.

This should be removed from the instance parameters immediately after it has
been used.
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FRM-92102: A network error has occured after upgrade to JRE

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 Problem Statement:

Done the upgrade to JRE on the environment,but after every 5-10 minutes the forms are getting disconnected with the below error.


FRM-92102: A network error has occured.
The Forms Client has attempted to restablish its
connection to the server 1 times(s) without success.
Please check the network connection and try again later.

JRE plug-in : JRE 6 Update 13
OS : Windows XP profession 2002 SP2
browser : IE 6

from server

JDK : JRE 6 Update 13
Oracle Forms : Dev 6i Patchset 19

java console

Filename = <a href=""target="_blank"></a>

connectMode=HTTP, native.
Forms Applet version is : 60828
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/afapps.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/afapps.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/afapps.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/afapps.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/afnav.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/afapps.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/aflleft.gif
Loaded image: jar:!/oracle/apps/media/aflright.gif

Reconnecting (try 1 of 5)...
Reconnecting (try 2 of 5)...
Reconnecting (try 3 of 5)...
Reconnecting (try 4 of 5)...
Reconnecting (try 5 of 5)... 500
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at oracle.forms.engine.Message.readDetails(Unknown Source)
at oracle.forms.engine.Message.readDetails(Unknown Source)
at Source)


increase your NetworkRetries parameter to 30.So please do the following :

1.Edit context file.XML

2.Look for <forms_network_retries oa_var="s_frmNetworkRetries">0</forms_network_retries>

3.Change to <forms_network_retries oa_var="s_frmNetworkRetries">30</forms_network_retries>

4. change log=false to log=true in $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/
5. change FORMS60_CATCHTERM=1 to FORMS60_CATCHTERM=0 and FORMS60_TIMEOUT=5 to FORMS60_TIMEOUT=15 in formsevlet.ini

6. Bounce the apache

7.Run AutoConfig

8. Reprodcue the issue


Note.313703.1 Ext/Pub FRM-92100 Your Connection To The Server Was Interrupted in Asset Workbench (FAXASSET)
Note.150705.1 Ext/Pub Logging into Oracle Applications Errors " Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream"
Note.253927.1 Ext/Mod Failed To Connect To Server Frm-92050
Note.549735.1 Ext/Pub Description List For Parameters Affect Timeout In Webforms
Note.356693.1 Ext/Pub FNDFFMSV - Application Closes or Throws FRM-92100 when Trying to Add, Delete or Modify a Flexfield Segment V


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Period Closed however transaction not transferred to GL

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Problem Description: Period Closed however transaction not transferred to GL 11i.AR.O

Run 'Transfer to GL' program. And verify Unposted transaction report. Nothing appears in output. However if we verify some transactions they are not transferred to GL.

The issue is caused by not entering a post through date when submitting the AR to GL transfer program. This is causing inconsistent behavior.

Therefore, I recommend 2 things to prevent this from re-occuring:


Note: It is not necessary to apply patch 6939913 as well. It is included in above patch.

Always enter a start date AND post through date when you submit the AR to GL transfer.
For example enter the dates of the period to be closed:

Start date: 01-APRIL-2009
Post through date: 30-APRIL-2009

This is the recommended way to submit the program and will prevent you from running into further issues.
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upload journals using WEBADI:he connection to the server is unavailable, Please contact your support representative

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On When attempting to use WebAdi to upload Journals,
the following error occurs:

"The connection to the server is unavailable, Please contact your support representative"

When users are trying to upload journals using WEBADI, they get the following error same as mentioned in the above bug
The connection to the server is unavailable - Please contact your support representative.
The strange thing in this case that the bne.log file is not showing any errors which is the same thing reported in the above bug.

Due to this issue, Unable to upload the data for one month


1.Follow up the instructions for applying patch 5711361 in a Test instance first.

This patch inluded in
Applications Technology (patch 5903765)
Applications Technology (patch 5473858)

2.Assign responsibility Desktop Integration Responsibility for users work on WebADi
You can refer to note 287080.1

3.Retest your issue

4.Migrate solution as appropriate
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Integrate OSB 10.3 with Weblogic Server 10.0

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Problem Description: Integrate OSB 10.3 with Weblogic Server 10.0

### Detailed Problem Statement ###

How we can  Integrate OSB10.3  with Weblogic Server 10.0

OSB 10.3 supports WLS 10.3.
Please see
Previous releases like WLS 10.0 are not supported with OSB 10gR3.

more documentation on the upgrade of OSB into the following documentations:

Upgrade Guide:

Product Components:

For information about upgrade to WLS 10.3 please see

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Jinit is de-supported JRE Replaces it

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Problem Description: Jinit is de-supported JRE Replaces it

As a part of CPU patches for Ebusiness suite Applicaiton applied CPU patches from OCT05 to OCT- 08,in this process we upgraded the Jinitiator to In this regard need the below clarification.

1. Does the support for Jinitiator is going to expire!

2. If yes do we need to move to JRE window native or J2SE!

3. Is it mandatory to move JRE window native or J2SE!

JInitiator 1.3 To Be Desupported for Apps 11i in July 2009 as per Oracle Metalink Note 552692.1 Oracle JInitiator 1.3 for E-Business Suite 11i - Forms version 6.0.8.x

As per Oracle Metalink Note 290807.1 - Oracle has certified the Oracle E-Business Suite with the minimum Sun JRE releases noted above on the JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.5 families. Oracle E-Business Suite end-users may use or upgrade to later production releases of the Sun JRE plug-in on either family at their discretion.

Please review Note 290807.1 - Deploying Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

Note 760250.1 Diagnosing Forms Mouse Focus Problems Using JRE in Release 11i for further information
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