Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Reregister the Single Sign-on (SSO) Components

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How to Reregister the Single Sign-on (SSO) Components


Registering the SSO Server and Admin application with ssocfg
Running the ssocfg registration tool updates the SSO server login information and is only found in SSO server's $ORACLE_HOME. Once you have re-registered the SSO server you will need to re-register all associated SSO partner applications. If the application is mod_osso based like, OIDDAS, Forms, or Reports,  see section on ssoreg. If an SDK based application like, Portal or E-bussiness see the documentation specific to that application.
ssocfg http 80

Registering mod_osso with ssoreg
Running the ssoreg registration tool updates the mod_osso registration record in osso.conf. The tool generates this file whenever it runs. It is executed on the server whose mod_osso you want to re-register.The following is an example using the minimum required parameters. Running the script with no parameters will display details of parameter usage. For additional/Optional parameters please refer to the SSO Admin Guide for the specific version.
ssoreg -oracle_home_path -site_name -config_mod_osso TRUE -mod_osso_url -verbose TRUE
Where:the absolute path of the ORACLE_HOME directory
is the free form text name for this site.  It is suggested using the URL used to access the mid-tier
set to TRUE so that a new obfuscated osso.conf file is generated.
The effective URL of the partner application. This is the URL that is used to access the partner application. The value should be specified in this URL format:
is the user used to start the HTTP Server. Depending on version this value differs.
Version 9.0.2.x = Unix "-u root", Windows "-u SYSTEM"
Version 9.0.4.x, the -u value is supposed to be the user that installed the product, so usually "-u oracle". = Unix "-u oracle", Windows "-u SYSTEM"
Version 10.1.2.x and greater = Omit the u parameter
Example: -oracle_home_path /u01/Oracle/products/Infra/ -site_name -config_mod_osso TRUE -mod_osso_url -verbose TRUE
Once the script has completed successfully the associated http server will need to be restarted
Note.315200.1 --

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