Friday, January 27, 2012

PAXSUDPT Errors With 'You can enable budgetary control for only one cost budget type'

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Problem:     PAXSUDPT Errors With 'You can enable budgetary control for only one cost budget type'

You can enable budgetary control only for one cost budget type. 
occurs in Project Types form PAXSUDPT.

Incorrect definition of PA_BUDGETARY_CONTROL_OPTIONS table.
A trace on the form shows the following error:
ERROR #107:err=1400 tim=17565111
The insert fails with ORA-1400 cannot insert NULL

1. Connect to the database 
2. Execute the following two SQL statements:
3. Test and see if the issue is resolved.
Alternatively apply Patch 11724195 which provides form paxprepr.fmb in version 120.99.12010000.77
or higher.

PAXSUDPT Errors With 'You can enable budgetary control for only one cost budget type' [ID 604786.1]

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can't integrate project budget with GL budget in project type window

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Problem:     can't integrate project budget with GL budget in project type window


1) Bug Summary
++ A. Functional
++ 1. Description
-> Once the user has navigated to the Billing Assignments tab,
-> unable to save the project type/move to a different block
-> unless a billing assignment is entered.
++ 2. Resolution 
-> The user can navigate out of the Billing Assignments
-> Tab/save project type without entering the Billing
-> Assignments.

Please apply the patch 5686559 and confirm your versions:

forms/US/PAXSUDPT.fmb 120.9.12060.8 
forms/US/PAXSUDPT.fmb 120.9.12130.3 

Execute the following action plan:

1. Connect to the database
2. Execute the following two SQL statements:
3. Test and see if the issue is resolved.


Note.604786.1 Ext/Pub PAXSUDPT Errors With "You can enable budgetary control for only one cost budget type”

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Searching Receipt Fails with APP-PO-14142: rcv_receipts_eh.event-000 ORA-1403

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Problem:     Searching Receipt Fails with APP-PO-14142: rcv_receipts_eh.event-000 ORA-1403

Searching Receipt Fails with APP-PO-14142: rcv_receipts_eh.event-000 ORA-1403: no data found
In R12 the error may be:
APP-PO-14142: rcv_receipts_eh.event-000: ORA-0000: normal, succesful completion 
Cause: A SQL error has occurred in rcv_receipts_eh.event. The SQL error is ORA-0000: normal, 
successful completion

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to Receiving>Receipts
2 Enter PO number, PO line and press Find
3 Receive the following error: APP-PO-14142: rcv_receipts_eh.event-000 ORA-1403: no data found
4 Trace shows, the following statement returns 0 rows :


The Routing could not be set up correctly for the PO.

Use the following scripts to find out if the routing is not setup for the PO:

select po_header_id,
from po_headers_all where segment1 = 'PO#'; Insert the problem PO number

select po_line_id, line_num
from po_lines_all
where po_header_id = 'value returned from above';

select line_location_id, receiving_routing_id
from po_line_locations_all
where po_header_id = value returned from #1 and po_line_id = value returned 
from #2

select routing_name, description
from rcv_routing_headers
where routing_header_id = insert value returned for receiving_routing_id from #3

If the last query does not return any rows then the Routing has not been set up correctly.

Check the routing for the PO.

The Receipt Routing can be set at 5 places:

1) While Creating the Purchase Orders. At shipment level.

2) Item Definition Level.

3) At the Supplier Definition level.

4) Shipping Networks During Inventory Setup.

5) At the Organizational Level. Receipt Options.

Every level overrides the following ones, therefore the Purchase Order level is the highest 
level and Organization level is the lowest one.

The Receipt Routing Information Provided while Creating the Purchase Order
Takes precedence than the other two ways.

There is also a Profile Option :- RCV: Allow Routing Override whose value namely
Yes or No indicates whether the receiving routing assigned during requisition or
purchase order entry can be overridden at receipt time.

This profile is updatable at the site, application, and responsibility, levels.


Searching Receipt Fails with APP-PO-14142: rcv_receipts_eh.event-000 ORA-1403 [ID 267010.1]

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error code: APP-SQLAP-97734

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Problem:     error code: APP-SQLAP-97734

summary : Projects Related Invoice Fails Account Generation
description : After inserting the head information for the invoice, we start inserting invoice lines
With project information:
Project, Task,Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization.
WHEN we press the distribution the following error accrued
error code: APP-SQLAP-97734


After inserting the head information for the invoice, we start inserting invoice lines
With project information:
Project, Task,Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization.
WHEN we press the distribution the following error accrued
error code: APP-SQLAP-97734

Cause: An error has occured during Account generation
Action: Please remove this record and check the workflow setup for account generation

null values have been Populated in the segment with a flexfield value, after deleting them, the error does not appear.
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Error Message ORA-20002 3103 Attribute 'PROJECT_ID' Does Not Exist For Item 'PAAPINVW'

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Problem:     Error Message ORA-20002 3103 Attribute 'PROJECT_ID' Does Not Exist For Item 'PAAPINVW'


The problem exists when the value for profile option Account Generator:Run in 
Debug Mode is set to NULL.The FND workflow function use the value to generate
the item key for workflow process initiated. IF the value is set to YES, then
item_key is generated from running sequence. IF the value is set to NO, then
the item key is defaulted to SYNCH.But, while it is NULL, the item key cannot 
be assigned any value.
While setting attribute values for attributes in PAAPINVW item type defined in 
workflow, the setitemattr checks for value of item_key and when it did not 
find this value, it raises an error.This is the reason, this error is raised.
TO resolve the issue, navigate to Res:--System Administrator, Go to
-->PRofile --> System and query for Account Generator:Run in Debug Mode 
profile in FIND window. At the site level, set the value of profile option to 
YES or NO(It is recommended to set to YES, as then the debug messgages will be 
generated while acct. generation). This will resolve the problem.


Note.163028.1 Ext/Pub PAAPINVW - Error Message ORA-20002 3103 Attribute 'PROJECT_ID' Does Not Exist For Item 'PAAPINVW'

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Cleared Record IN AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL Being Created In Wrong Org,

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Problem:     Cleared Record IN AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL Being Created In Wrong Org, Unable to search Receipts

When clearing the receipt that means when you connect Cash Management Responsibility > Bank Statements > Manual clearing > Clear transactions then the receipt got the status cleared but in another operating unit

Receivable responsibility > Receipts > Receipts
Create (standard or miscellaneous) receipts with confirmed status
Receivable responsibility > Receipts > Remittances
Create remittance for checks then format
Cash Management Responsibility > Bank Statements > Manual clearing > Clear transactions
clear the checks

R12: Reconciling Receipts Results In Cleared Record IN AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL Being Created In Wrong Org, Unable to search Receipts in (Doc ID 801361.1)
This is explained in the following bug:
fixed via file ARRECBKB.pls 120.16.12000000.7 

Apply patch 7443802:R12.AR.A 


Note.1230943.1 Ext/R.R Cannot Query Receipt Batch In R12.1.1 Receivables Form Arxrwmai 

Note.762020.1 Ext/Pub How to Resolve FRM-40735 Errors in Receipts Workbench 

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Problem: R12: Reconciling Receipts Results In Cleared Record IN AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL Being Created In Wrong Org, Unable to search Receipts in

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Problem:     R12: Reconciling Receipts Results In Cleared Record IN AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL Being Created In Wrong Org, Unable to search Receipts in

Unable to search  receipts in Receipts Summary screen using the  "Find" option. 
Find that when a cleared record is generated when reconciling a receipt in Cash Management it is generating the cleared record with the incorrect ORG_ID 


Expect the cleared record to be generated in the same org_id as the receipt record 
---------------             -------------- ---------- 
85024                         CLEARED       7327 
85024                         REMITTED      7327 
86054                         CLEARED         202 
86054                         REMITTED        204

Upgrade to R12


When clicking SAVE button from CE screen AR API 'ARP_CASHBOOK.clear' is called..CE Passes correct cash_receipt_id but does not set the correct org_id parameter.
This is explained in the following bug: 


Apply patch 7443802 which delivers fixed file ARRECBKB.pls in version 120.16.12000000.7
Click the reconcile button and not the SAVE icon on the tool bar

If you require a datafix please log a new service request referencing this note.

R12: Reconciling Receipts Results In Cleared Record IN AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL Being Created In Wrong Org, Unable to search Receipts in [ID 801361.1]

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When cancelling Payment Request invoice in AP the system doesn't un apply refund application in Refund receipt automatically in AR

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Problem:     When cancelling Payment Request invoice in AP the system doesn't un apply refund application in Refund receipt automatically in AR


Receivables Responsibility > Receipts >Receipts :
1-Enter receipt header information.
2-Press apply & select Refund.
3-Press Refund Attributes to select payment method.
4-Save your work & select invoice number from refund status button.
5-Switch to Payables Responsibility >Invoices >Invoices.
6-Inquire for the Payment request invoice & try to cancell it.
7-The invoice status changed to cancelled.
8-Switch to Receivable responsiblity >Receipts >Receipts.
9-Inquire for the Refund receipt , still the application form show the Refund application.

Patch 7370958:R12.AP according to note 761993.1
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RAID and Oracle - 20 Common Questions and Answers

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Problem:     RAID and Oracle - 20 Common Questions and Answers  

RAID and Oracle - 20 Common Questions and Answers  

1.  What is RAID?

    RAID is an acronym for Redundant Array of Independent Disks. A RAID
    system consists of an enclosure containing a number of disk volumes,
    connected to each other and to one or more computers by a fast
    interconnect. Six levels of RAID are defined: RAID-0 simply consists
    of several disks, and RAID-1 is a mirrored set of two or more disks.
    The only other widely-used level is RAID-5, which is the subject of
    this article. Other RAID levels exist, but tend to be vendor-specific,
    and there is no generally accepted standard for features included.

2.  What platforms is RAID available for?

    Third-party vendors supply RAID systems for most of the popular UNIX
    (including Linux) platforms, and for Windows. Hardware vendors often
    provide their own RAID options.

3.  What does RAID do?

    The main feature of RAID-5 is prevention of data loss. If a disk is
    lost because of a head crash, for example, the contents of that disk
    can be reconstituted using the information stored on other disks in
    the array. In RAID-5, redundancy is provided by error-correcting
    codes (ECCs) with parity information (to check on data integrity)
    stored with the data, thus striped across several physical disks.
    (The intervening RAID levels between 1 and 5 work in a similar way,
    but with differences in the way the ECCs are stored.)

4.  What are the performance implications of using RAID-5?

    Depending on the application, performance may be better or worse.
    The basic principle of RAID-5 is that files are not stored on a
    single disk, but are divided into sections, which are stored on a
    number of different disk drives. This means that the effective disk
    spindle speed is increased, which makes reads faster. However, the
    involvment of more disks and the more complex nature of a write
    operation means that writes will be slower. So applications where
    the majority of transactions are reads are likely to give better
    response times, whereas write-intensive applications may show worse

    Only hardware-based striping should be used on Windows. Software
    striping, from Disk Administrator, gives very poor performance.

5.  How does RAID-5 differ from RAID-1?

    RAID-1 (mirroring) is a strategy that aims to prevent downtime due
    to loss of a disk, whereas RAID-5 in effect divides a file
    into chunks and places each on a separate disk. RAID-1 maintains a
    copy of the contents of a disk on another disk, referred to a
    mirrored disk. Writes to a mirrored disk may be a little slower as
    more than one physical disk is involved, but reads should be faster
    as there is a choice of disks (and hence head positions) to seek
    the required location.
5.  How do I decide between RAID-5 and RAID-1?

    RAID-1 is indicated for systems where complete redundancy of data
    is considered essential and disk space is not an issue. RAID-1 may
    not be practical if disk space is not plentiful. On a system
    where uptime must be maximised, Oracle recommends mirroring at
    least the control files, and preferably the redo log files.

    RAID-5 is indicated in situations where avoiding downtime due to
    disk problems is important or when better read performance is
    needed and mirroring is not in use.

6.  Do all drives used for RAID-5 have to be identical?

    Most UNIX systems allow a failed disk to be replaced with one of
    the same size or larger. This is highly implementation-specific, so
    the vendor should be consulted. 

7. Is RAID-5 enough to provide full fault-tolerance?

    No. A truly fault-tolerant system will need to have a separate
    power supply for each disk to allow for swapping of one disk
    without having to power down the others in the array. A fully
    fault-tolerant system has to be purpose-designed.

8. What is hot swapping?

    This refers to the ability to replace a failed drive without having
    to power down the whole disk array, and is now considered an
    essential feature of RAID-5. An extension of this is to have a hot
    standby disk that eliminates the time taken to swap a replacement
    disk in - it is already present in the disk array, but not used
    unless there is a problem.

9. What is a logical drive, and how does it relate to a physical drive? 

    A logical drive is a virtual disk constructed from one or (usually)
    more than one physical disks. It is the RAID-5 equivalent of a UNIX
    logical volume; the latter is a software device, whereas RAID-5 uses
    additional hardware.

10. What are the disadvantages of RAID-5?

    The need to tune an application via placement of 'hot' (i.e.
    heavily accessed) files on different disks is reduced by using
    RAID-5. However, if this is still desired, it is less easy to
    accomplish as the file has already been divided up and distributed
    across disk drives. Some vendors, for example EMC, allow striping
    in their RAID systems, but this generally has to be set up by the
    vendor. There is an additional consideration for Oracle, in that if
    a database file needs recovery several physical disks may be involved
    in the case of a striped file, whereas only one would be involved in
    the case of a normal file. This is a side-effect of the capability of
    RAID-5 to withstand the loss of a single disk.

11. What variables can affect the performance of a RAID-5 device?

    The major ones are:
      - Access speed of constituent disks
      - Capacity of internal and external buses
      - Number of buses
      - Size of caches
      - Number of caches
      - The algorithms used to specify how reads and writes are done.

12. What types of files are suitable for placement on RAID-5 devices?

    Placement of data files on RAID-5 devices is likely to give the
    best performance benefits, as these are usually accessed randomly.
    More benefits will be seen in situations where reads predominate
    over writes. Rollback segments and redo logs are accessed
    sequentially (usually for writes) and therefore are not suitable
    candidates for being placed on a RAID-5 device. Also, datafiles
    belonging to temporary tablespaces are not suitable for placement
    on a RAID-5 device.

    Another reason redo logs should not be placed on RAID-5 devices is
    related to the type of caching (if any) being done by the RAID
    system. Given the critical nature of the contents of the redo logs,
    catastrophic loss of data could ensue if the contents of the cache
    were not written to disk, e.g. because of a power failure, when
    Oracle was notified they had been written. This is particularly
    true of write-back caching, where the write is regarded as having
    been written to disk when it has only been written to the cache.
    Write-through caching, where the write is only regarded as having
    completed when it has reached the disk, is much safer, but still
    not recommended for redo logs for the reason mentioned earlier.

13. What about using multiple Database Writers as an alternative to RAID-5?

    Using at least as many DBWR processes as you have database disks will
    maximise synchronous write capability, by avoiding one disk having to
    wait for a DBWR process that is busy writing to another disk. However,
    this is not an alternative to RAID-5, because it improves write
    efficiency. And RAID-5 usually results in writes being slower.

14. What about other strategies?

    Three strategies that can be used as alternatives to RAID-5, or in
    addition to it, are Asynchronous I/O (aio) and List I/O (listio).
    These are briefly described in the following points.
    In addition, recent Oracle Database releases (10g and 11g) offer a
    number of powerful and sophisticated features for managing storage.
    For more information on these, see the books listed in the
    References section.

15. What is Asynchronous I/O?

    Asynchronous I/O (aio) is a means by which a process can proceed
    with the next operation without having to wait for a write to
    complete. For example, after starting a write operation, the DBWR
    process blocks (waits) until the write has been completed. If aio
    is used, DBWR can continue almost straight away. aio is activated
    by the relevant init.ora parameter, which will either be ASYNC_WRITE
    or USE_ASYNC_IO, depending on the platform. If aio ia used, there is
    no need to have multiple DBWRs.

    Asynchronous I/O is optional on many UNIX platforms. It is used by
    default on Windows.

16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Asynchronous I/O?

    In the above DBWR example, the idle time is eliminated, resulting
    in more efficient DBWR operation. However, aio availability and
    configuration is very platform-dependent; while many UNIX versions
    support it, some do not. Raw devices must be used to store the files
    so the use of aio adds some complexity to the system administrator's
    job. Also, the applications must be able to utilise aio.

17. What is List I/O?
    List I/O is a feature found on many SVR4 UNIX variants. As the
    name implies, it allows a number of I/O requests to be batched
    into a "list", which is then read or written in a single
    operation. It does not exist on Windows.

18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of List I/O?

    I/O should be much more efficient when done in this manner. You
    also get the benefits of aio, so this is not needed if listio is
    available. However, listio is only available on some UNIX systems,
    and as in the case of aio, the system administrator needs to set
    it up and make sure key applications are configured to use it.

19. How do Logical Volume Managers (LVMs) affect use of RAID-5?

    Many UNIX vendors now include support for an LVM in their standard
    product. Under AIX, all filesystems must reside on logical volumes.
    Performance of a UNIX system using logical volumes can be very good
    compared with standard UNIX filesystems, particularly if the stripe
    size (size the chunks files are divided into) is small. Performance
    will not be as good as RAID-5 given that the latter uses dedicated
    hardware with fast interconnects. In practice, many small and
    medium-sized systems will find that the use of logical volumes (with a
    suitable stripe size for the type of application) performs
    just as good as RAID-5. This particularly applies to systems where
    there is no I/O problem. Larger systems, though, are more likely to
    need the extra performance benefits of RAID-5.

20. How can I tell if my strategy to improve I/O performance is working?

    On UNIX, there are several commands that can help you determine
    if a disk device is contributing to I/O problems. On SVR4, use the
    'sar' command with the appropriate flag, usually '-d'. On BSD, use the
    'iostat' command. You are looking for disks whose request queue
    average length is short, ideally zero. Disks with more than a few
    entries in the queue may need attention. Also check the percent
    busy value, as a disk might have a short average queue length yet
    be very active.

    On Windows, the Performance Monitor allows I/O statistics to be
    monitored easily and in a graphical manner.

    On any platform, it is essential to obtain baseline figures for
    normal system operation, so you will know when a performance problem
    develops and when your corrective action has restored (or improved
    upon) the expected performance.


RAID and Oracle - 20 Common Questions and Answers [ID 38281.1]

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