Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 11i (11.5.10)

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Problem:    Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 11i (11.5.10)
You can use the Oracle E-Business Suite System Profile Options form to maintain all of the following, with the exception of the user internationalization settings. These are maintained in the Preferences page, which you can access from either the Personal Home Page or any OA Framework application page.
Release-Specific Behavior
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
FND: Migrated to JRAD /
Specifies if the application has been migrated to run against the MDS repository (or if it was created using the Oracle9i JDeveloper OA Extension). Valid values are "Y" and "N".
If the value is "Y", then the page will be run from the MDS repository. Otherwise, page definitions are retrieved from the AK repository.
Note: You don't have to set the this profile as long as you're using the OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/... or OA.jsp?OAFunc=<FunctionName> syntax for function Web HTML Call values.
Note: This value can be set only at the application level. The site level value has a fixed, seeded value of "N." The application level value will take precedence over the site level value. For the application level vaue, OA Framework uses the application associated with the page definition -- not the responsibility -- to read this profile option.
FND: Framework Compatibility Mode /
For Oracle Applications internal development use only.
For new OA Framework features whose behavior differs by release, this profile option determines which release the behavior matches. For example, some LOV behaviors differ in releases 11.5.10 and 11.5.9. See the 11.5.10 Release Notes for a description of these differences.
This value can be set only at the application and site levels. The application level value takes precedence over the site level value. For the application level vaue, OA Framework uses the application associated with the page definition -- not the responsibility -- to read this profile option.
Note: This value should be set exclusively in product team minipack patches; customers should not change this. Product teams should set this value to 11.5.10 at the application level in their 11.5.10 ARUs.
11.5.9 at the site level for the standalone OA Framework ARU

11.5.10 at the site level in Apps 11.5.10 Maintenance Pack and Rapid Install

Web Server
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Application Framework Agent / APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
Specifies the Java listener for your HTTP server (the host and port for the web server that will be used by OA Framework applications). It can be set at the Site and the User level.
Value (provide your own hostname and portname):
Warning: Both the HTTP server and the Java listener should be properly configured and started before OA Framework applications can be launched.

Apps Servlet Agent / APPS_SERVLET_AGENT
Determines the location where servlets are executed.
Value (provide your own hostname and portname):
Note: This is a preexisting Oracle Applications profile option that must be set for graphs.

Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
ICX: Limit time / ICX_LIMIT_TIME
Indicates the amount of time (in hours) after which the user, regardless of their level of activity, will be asked to validate their credentials in order to continue working.
If this profile option is not set, the value of 4 is assumed.
(There is no recommended value, this only needs to be set if you want to implement the behavior described.)
Maximum idle time for the Oracle Applications user session (specified in minutes).
Tip: If passivation is enabled, this value should be longer than the servlet session time-out value to allow users to resume suspended transactions without being redirected to the login page. (This happens only when the Oracle Applications user session times out, not the servlet session).
30 in Release 11.5.10
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Self Service Accessibility Features
Determines the level of accessibility support.
  • Standard Accessibility - pages are accessible to users using assistive technology (this value was labeled "Yes" in release 11.5.9).
  • Screen Reader Optimized - pages are optimized for screen readers. This may degrade the output for a sighted user.
  • None - pages include behaviors that are not accessible (this value was labeled "No" in release 11.5.9).
Logging / Diagnostics
See the Logging topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1) for additional information about this feature.
Note: A Recommended Setting value is listed in the Default Value column only if the two values differ.

Usage Guidelines

In normal operations, only UNEXPECTED (Level 6) errors requiring administrator attention should be logged. Also, users should have access to the Diagnostics page. These settings should be used at the Site level:
  • AFLOG_LEVEL : Unexpected
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
FND: Debug Log Enabled / AFLOG_ENABLED Setting this to “Yes” enables the logging feature.

Recommended Setting: Yes
FND: Debug Log Filename for Middle-Tier / AFLOG_FILENAME
Setting this to a complete filename causes the log messages to be written to a file rather than the database. Not set (null)
FND: Debug Log Module / AFLOG_MODULE
Setting this limits logging to the specified module (e.g. ar%).
FND: Debug Log Level / AFLOG_LEVEL
The log level for messages that you would like to write to the database. OA Framework will log all messages with log levels greater than or equal to this profile option, so that the higher the value, the fewer messages that will be logged.
Setting this to “Yes” causes a Diagnostics global button to render on every page. Select this button to view the log messages for the page. Enabling this profile also automatically renders the "About this page" link at the bottom of every OA Framework page. For more information on the "About this page" link, refer to the "Discovering Page, Technology Stack and Session Information" topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1).
Note: Setting this to "Yes" also ensures that a detailed error stack can be viewed to help diagnose unhandled exceptions. When this is set to "No," a simple error message asking the user to contact the System Administrator is shown; the detailed error stack is not accessible.

Enables the Edit Region global button. Also enables Developer Test Mode diagnostics. For more information, refer to the "Testing OA Framework Applications" topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1).
Not set (null)
Recommended Setting: No


Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Upload File Size Limit / UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT
Specifies the maximum allowable file size in KB for uploaded attachments.
For example, if the limit is 2MB, this value should be set to 2000 or 2000K.

This is available for ICX Web Inquiries pages only from OA Framework Release 11.5.52+. This profile option controls the "Match Case" checkbox in the "Advanced Search" region of Web Inquiries. Setting this profile option value to "Checked" or "Hidden" helps avoid running poor performing queries which would normally disable indexes using an upper() clause. This profile option can be set at all levels. Valid values include:
  • Unchecked - the Match Case checkbox will be rendered in an unchecked state
  • Checked - the Match Case checkbox will be rendered in a checked state
  • Hidden - the Match Case checkbox will NOT be rendered, and it will behave as if checked. Instead of the checkbox, the UI displays a message that says "Match Case has been selected for you."
FND: View Object Max Fetch Size / VO_MAX_FETCH_SIZE
Limits the number of rows that any user can fetch in a query, thereby limiting the amount of memory he/she consumes. You can reduce this number to ensure that the middle-tier resources are shared evenly across all of your users.
Note: This profile option can be set at the application level. If you are running applications for which the default 200 rows limit is too low, you can set a higher value for this particular application.

Controls whether additional accelerated validation above the existing function validation is enforced for the Oracle E-Business Suite.
Valid values include:
  • None - additional validation is disabled.
  • Error - additional validation is enabled. Errors are displayed as runtime exceptions. This value can be set only in an Oracle Applications 11.5.10 CU2+ Maintenance Pack or Rapid Install.
  • Log - additional validation is enabled. Errors are logged without a runtime interruption. Note that Logging must be enabled. This value can be set only in an Oracle Applications 11.5.10 CU2+ Maintenance Pack or Rapid Install.
This profile option can be set only at the site level, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) must be bounced to see any changes.
Error for Oracle Applications 11.5.10 CU2+ Maintenance Pack or Rapid Install.
Note: For ATG 11.5.10 CU2+ Maintenance Pack or Rapid Install, the default is None.


See the OA Framework Personalization Guide for additional information about this feature. The Guide is also available on the Applications Release 11.5.10 + Online Documentation CD.
Note: A Recommended Setting value is listed in the Default Value column only if the two values differ.
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Personalize Self-Service Defn / FND_CUSTOM_OA_DEFINTION
This is intended for system administrators who wish to personalize regions at the localization, site, verticalization, org and responsibility levels. On enabling this profile option for the administrator, every OA Framework page will contain a global Personalize button. By clicking on this global button, the administrator can personalize the regions available on that page. No
Recommended Setting: Yes for System Administrators, No for other users
Disable Self-service Personal / FND_DISABLE_OA_CUSTOMIZATIONS
This is a system profile option specifically created for use by Oracle Support. You can set this profile option to "Yes" or "No" at the site or application level. If this system profile option is set to Yes, any personalizations made by the customer, regardless of the level at which the personalizations were made, will not be applied. All pages using OA Framework will now display the regions based on their original definitions.
Note: When this profile is set to "Yes", a warning message that all personalizations are disabled is displayed on every page to which a user navigates.

For Oracle Applications development use only.
Replaces the deprecated profile, FND_CREATE_SEEDED_PERSONALIZATIONS. When this profile is set to "Yes", it sets the developerMode flag to "Yes" for any function and user personalization created in Oracle Applications development. These personalizations are then protected against update/delete at the customer's site.
Not set (null)
Enables the "Personalize Region" links on a page if the Personalize Self-Service Defn / FND_CUSTOM_OA_DEFINTION profile is set to Yes.
Valid values:
  • Yes - renders the "Personalize Region" links above each region in a page. Each link takes you first to the Choose Personalization Context page, then to the Page Hierarchy Personalization page with focus on the region node from which you selected the "Personalize Region" link.
The scope is always set to the region itself. You can not navigate up to the region's parent. For example, the "Personalize Region" link for /oracle/apps/abc/xyz.region1 focuses the HGrid on region1. No locator breadcrumbs are provided for you to navigate up to region1's parent.
If a region on the page extends another region, the personalization context is the region being extended. For example, if /oracle/apps/abc/xyz.region1 extends
/oracle/apps/abc/SharedRegionX, the scope is /oracle/apps/abc/ShareRegionX. This means the personalization occurs on ShareRegionX if you personalize region1.

  • No - "Personalize Region" links are not rendered. You must select the global Personalize button to personalize the page.
  • Minimal - renders the "Personalize Region" links, but minimizes the number of links displayed. The rule for minimization is that if a region's direct children all display a "Personalize Region" link when the profile value is set to "Yes", then the region itself will not display a link when the profile value is set to "Minimal".
The scope is always set to the document where the region node resides. For example, if the region is /oracle/apps/abc/xyz.region1, the scope of the personalization context will be /oracle/apps/abc/xyz and the Page Hierarchy Personalization page will focus on region1. When the "Personalize Region" links are minimized, you can always navigate up to a region's parent, grandparent, and so on, using the locator breadcrumbs shown on the HGrid.
Each link takes you to the Choose Personalization Context page, then to the Page Hierarchy Personalization page with focus on the region node from which you selected the "Personalize Region" link.
If a region on the page extends another region, the personalization context still remains the current page. For example, if /oracle/apps/abc/xyz.region1 actually extends
/oracle/apps/abc/SharedRegionX, the scope remains /oracle/apps/abc/xyz. This means a per-instance personalization occurs if you personalize region1. If you wish to personalize the shared region, you can navigate to the Choose Context page and select the shared region as the scope.

Note: Enabling the "Personalize Region" links allows users to also personalize regions that are dynamically added to the page from custom code in the controller (that is, regions added using
createWebBean(OAPageContext pageContext, 
String reference, String name, 
boolean isMDS)
in the class:
These dynamically-added regions always display "Personalize Region" links, even if the profile value is set to Minimal.
Fnd Xliff Export Root Path / FND_XLIFF_EXPORT_ROOT_PATH
Use this profile option to set the root path used to generate the full path where the Xliff files are exported to when users extract their translated personalizations using the Extract Translation Files page in OA Personalization Framework. The permissions for the root path directory that you specify must be set to read, write, create for all users, using chmod 777 [dir_path].
Not set (null)
Use this profile option to set the root path used to derive the full path from where the Xliff files are uploaded when users use the Upload Translations page in OA Personalization Framework to upload translated personalizations.
Not set (null)
FND: Personalization Document Root Path / FND_PERZ_DOC_ROOT_PATH
Use this profile option to define the root path where personalizations documents are exported to or imported from when users use the Database page or the File System page of the Functional Administrator responsibility's Document Manager, respectively.
We recommend you set this profile to the $APPL_TOP staging area:
of the current deployed environment, where personalization documents are to be imported from or exported to.
This profile option should be set at the Site level.


Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Server Timezone / SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID
The time zone for the database server. It is assumed that all dates stored in the database will be interpreted relative to this time zone. This profile is only updatable at the Site level.

Client Timezone / CLIENT_TIMEZONE_ID
The time zone for the client (user). This profile is updatable at all levels - Site, Application, Responsibility and User. Fields that specify a date and time are queried and displayed to the user after automatically applying a time zone conversion as indicated by the Server Timezone and Client Timezone profiles. Conversely, a date and time entered by the user will undergo the opposite conversion before being stored into the database.
Note: This value should be exactly the same as the timezone setting of the operating system of the machine from which the user is accessing the E-Business Suite instance.

ICX: Date format mask / ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK
The format used when displaying date fields. When a field displays both date and time, the date component is displayed in the format specified here, and the time component is displayed in a 24 hour format including hours, minutes and seconds (for example 14:45:30 for 45 1/2 minutes past 2:00 pm)
User session language.
American English
User session territory or country.
United States
The decimal character and group separator to be used for formatting numbers.


See the "OA Framework State Management" and "OA Framework State Persistence Model (Passivation)" in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1) for additional information about this feature.
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
FND: Passivation Level / PASSIVATION_LEVEL
Passivation level for state persistence.
Valid values:
  • None - no passivation (state persistence) support.
  • Resource Threshold - state is passivated just before resources are reclaimed from one thread for use by another when the threshold specified in FND: Application Module Pool Recycle Threshold is reached, or when the servlet session times out.
  • Request - state is passivated for every browser request.
FND: Session Timeout Recovery Enabled / SESSION_TIMEOUT_RECOVERY_ENABLED
For Oracle Applications internal development use only.
Note: This profile option applies only if the FND: Passivation Level profile option is set to "Resource Threshold" or "Request."
Indicates whether servlet session time-out recovery is enabled for the application.
Valid values include:
  • Yes - when a browser request is issued after a servlet session time-out, OA Framework restores saved (passivated) application state in a new servlet session so that the user can continue working uninterrupted. This assumes the page complies with passivation coding standards as described in the "OA Framework State Persistence Model" topic of the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1).
  • No - when a browser request is issued after a servlet session time-out, OA Framework displays a standard state loss error page.
Note: This value can be set at the responsibility, application and site levels. The responsibility level takes precedence over the application level, which in turn takes precedence over the site level value. For the application level value, OA Framework uses the application associated with the page definition -- not the responsibility -- to read this profile option.
Tip: Oracle Applications developers should set this value in minipack patches to "No" at the application or responsibility level until the associated product is fully passivation enabled.
"No" at the Site level.

Application Module Pooling

See the "OA Framework State Management" and "Application Module and Connection Pooling" topics in the the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1) for additional information about this feature.
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
FND: Application Module Pool Enabled / AMPOOL_ENABLED
Indicates whether pooling is enabled. If pooling is disabled (value is "No"), application module pool instances are destroyed when no longer needed by a page. In other words, if pooling is disabled, application module instances cannot be recycled.
Note: Disabling appliction module pooling can lead to performance degradation. Application module pooling should always be enabled.
FND: Application Module Pool Monitor Sleep Interval / AMPOOL_MONITOR_SLEEP_INTERVAL
Application module pool monitor thread sleep interval in milliseconds. When the monitor thread wakes up at the specified intervals, it destroys available (inactive) application modules.
(5 minutes)
FND: Application Module Pool Recycle Threshold / AMPOOL_RECYCLE_THRESHOLD
The number of application module instances the pool will create before passivating and recycling the application modules for reuse.
See Additional Information About the Application Module Pool Recycle Threshold below.
FND: Application Module Pool Maximum Inactive Age / AMPOOL_MAX_INACTIVE_AGE
The time-out period in milliseconds for available, inactive application modules.
(3 minutes)
FND: Application Module Pool Minimum Available Size / AMPOOL_MIN_AVAIL_SIZE
The minimum number of available application modules allowed per pool (low water mark).
See How the Minimum and Maximum Profiles Work Together below.
FND: Application Module Pool Maximum Available Size / AMPOOL_MAX_AVAIL_SIZE
The maximum number of available application modules allowed per pool (high water mark).
See How the Minimum and Maximum Profiles Work Together below.
Note: The pool can contain as many in-use application module instances as your JDBC connections and memory configuration supports.
FND: Application Module Connection Pool Enabled / AMPOOL_CONNECTION_POOL_ENABLED
Indicates whether the connection associated with an Application module should be checked into the connection pool on AM checkin when application modules are pooled.
When connection pooling is enabled (the profile option set to "Yes"), when the BC4J framework checks an application module back into the application module pool, OA Framework also checks its associated connection back into the connection pool. A connection is also checked into the connection pool when the application module is checked into the application module pool with its state "managed."
In addition, if an application module's Retention Level is set to MANAGE_STATE or CONNECTION_AGNOSTIC, then its connection is checked in at the end of each request; even if the application module has not yet been checked in.
When connection pooling is disabled (profile option set to "No"), connections are not checked back into the connection pool when application modules are checked into the application module pool. Additionally, connections are not released from any reserved application modules that have not yet been checked in. In other words, a connection remains dedicated to its owning application module until the connection is lazily reclaimed by the connection harvester, or until the application module is destroyed because it's idle. With this mode, you can avoid reinitializing the connection upon check out so you can reuse any cached JDBC statements.

Additional Information About the Application Module Recycle Threshold

The application module pool recycle threshold is the number of application module instances that the pool allows before it starts passivating and recycling them.
During the checkout process, the pool decides whether to recyle an existing instance or create a new one.
·         If the application module pool recycle threshold has not been reached, the pool simply tries to reuse an existing application module instance that was checked in without state. These application modules do not require passivation before being repurposed. If there are no available application modules for resue, the pool creates a new instance.
·         If the application module recycle threshold has been reached, the pool first tries to recycle an existing application module instance that was checked in without state. If there are no candidates, then the pool tries to recycle an existing application module that was checked in with state, in which case the state is passivated before the application module is repurposed. If none of the application module instances are available for resue, the pool creates a new instance.
The pool can create application module instances until the maximum pool size is reached.
Note: The maximum pool size defaults to a very high integer value and is not controlled by a profile option.

How the Minumum and Maximum Profiles Work Together

This example best describes how these profile options work together. Assume that the "Low Water Mark" is set by the FND: Application Module Pool Minimum Available Size profile, and the "High Water Mark" is set by the FND: Application Module Pool Maximum Available Size.
  • Low Water Mark (Minimum Available Size) is 2
  • High Water Mark (Maximum Available Size) is 10
  • Number of Available Application Modules is 20 (5 of which have timed out)
1.       BC4J tries to clean up the timed-out application modules until the low water mark is reached, or until it has cleaned out all of the timed out application modules (whichever comes first). In this example, the monitor thread removes all the 5 timed-out application modules, so the pool of available application modules is reduced to 15.
2.       The monitor thread continues deleting available application modules until the high water mark is reached. In this example, it deletes another 5 application modules, leaving the number of available application modules in the pool at 10.


See the BLAF UI Guideline: Branding [ OTN Version ] for additional information about this feature.
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Controls the size of the global buttons and the product branding displayed at the top of an OA Framework page.
Valid values include:
  • Regular - the largest option which means the global buttons will render with corresponding icons and links.
  • Medium - results in global buttons with links and a lower profile product branding image.
  • Small - results in global buttons with links and low profile product branding text with a small, generic graphic.
Small in release 11.5.10; Medium in release 11.5.9
Corporate Branding Image for Oracle Applications / FND_CORPORATE_BRANDING_IMAGE
Controls the corporate branding image used in all OA Framework pages. If no value is set for this profile, OA Framework renders the corporate branding image by using /OA_MEDIA/FNDSSCORP.gif or by using the image specified for the corporateBranding element in a particular page's admin personalization.
A valid value is the name of a GIF file that contains the corporate branding image you wish to use. For example, CustomerImage.gif. The image file CustomerImage.gif should be placed under the $OA_MEDIA directory.
This profile option should be set at the Site level.


See the "Buttons (Global)" topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1) for additional information about this feature.
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
General Preferences Show Flag
Controls whether the "General Preferences" menu entry is displayed when the user selects the "Preferences" global button.
Valid values include:
  • Yes - the "General Preferences" are displayed.
  • No - the "General Preferences" are hidden.

Partial Page Rendering (PPR)

See the "Dynamic User Interface" topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1) for additional information about this feature.
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
FND: Disable Partial Page Rendering / FND_PPR_DISABLED
Controls whether partial page rendering is disabled.
If this profile option is not set, the "No" value is assumed.
Valid values include:
  • No - partial page rendering is enabled.
  • Yes - partial page rendering is disabled. In this case, UIX automatically renders a Go button next to each item with a partialAction enabled.
The profile option is not set by default
Controls the partial page rendering debugging feature. When this profile option is enabled, the partial targets are dispayed at the top of the screen as the page renders.
This profile option can be set at all Levels. The site value is N by default.
Valid values include:
  • N - (Default) partial page rendering debugging is disabled.
  • Y - partial page rendering debugging is enabled.
This profile option is disabled by default.
Controls the partial page rendering auto-tabbing feature. When this profile option is set to N and the auto-tabbing feature is enabled, tabbing out of a text input field that triggers a PPR event takes the focus to the next field on the page.
This profile option can be set at all Levels. The site value is N by default.
Valid values include:
  • N - (Default) partial page rendering auto-tabbing is enabled.
  • Y - partial page rendering auto-tabbing is disabled.
This profile option is enabled by default.

Home Page

Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Self Service Personal Home Page Mode / APPLICATIONS_HOME_PAGE

Determines the look-and-feel of the Oracle Self-Service Applications Personal Home Page.
Valid values include:
  • Framework only - This is the new OA Framework personal home page.
  • Personal Home Page - This the earlier blue/gray personal home page.
  • Personal Home Page with Framework - This is combination: users login to the old-style personal home page, but when they select a responsibility, the new OA Framework navigation page displays instead of the old blue/gray menu.
Framework only for release
11.5.9 +.


For additional information about this feature, see the "Controlling UIX Rendering Output (Look-and-Feel / Facets)" topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1).
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Oracle Applications Look and Feel / APPS_LOOK_AND_FEEL

Specifies the Look-and-Feel for all OA Framework based pages. This value can be set at any of the Site, Application, Responsibility or User levels.
Valid values include:
  • blaf - Oracle's corporate Browser Look-and-Feel [ OTN Version of BLAF guidelines ]
  • minimal - Generates "minimal" content to reduce the size of HTML pages and overall network overhead.
  • oaText - Produces a plain text version of the page.
  • any Look-and-Feel (LAF) created in the Customizing Look-and-Feel (CLAF) UI - All new LAFs created in the CLAF UI get registered in a lookup table that this profile option reads.
Not set (null), which implies blaf

Page Access Tracking

For additional information about this feature, see the "Page Access Tracking" topic in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1).
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
JTF_PF_MASTER_ENABLED / JTF_PF_MASTER_ENABLED Master On/Off switch for Page Access Tracking. Valid values include true or false.
If this profile is not set, the default is false.
Determines if Site/Application/Responsibility/User has Page Access Tracking turned on/off. Valid values include true or false.
If this profile is not set, the default is false.
As a bitmask, this profile determines what information to log when Page Access Tracking is on for a particular access. Valid values include:
  • 22 - Log session information (Client Browser, Language, and HTTP Header).
  • 118 - Log session Information and cookies.
  • 254 - Log session information, cookies, and URL parameters.
  • 126 - Log session information, cookies, and all parameters.
If this profile is not set, the default is 0 and only session information (without Client Browser, Language and HTTP Header) is
Determines how often Page Access data is flushed to the database (in seconds).
If this profile is not set, the default is 120 seconds.
Determines how often Page Access data is flushed to the database (in number of page accesses).
If this profile is not set, the default is 20 page accesses.


For additional information about this feature, see the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide (MetaLink Note 269138.1), specifically, the "Defaulting" topic in the "Implementing the View" document of Chapter 3 (Building an OA Framework Application (the Basics)).
Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
FND: OA:Enable Defaults / FND_OA_ENABLE_DEFAULTS Determines whether default values specified in personalizations and base meta data are applied to your pages. The specific rules of how default values are applied are discussed in the Defaulting topic of Chapter 3 and in the OA Framework Personalization Guide.
Valid values are Y (enable defaulting) and N (disable defaulting). This profile option may be updated at Site and Responsibility levels.


Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Force Page Refresh/ FND_FORCE_PAGE_REFRESH Forces an Oracle E-Business Suite application page to refresh, by expiring the page from the browser cache, when a user presses the browser Back button.
Warning: This profile option is exclusively used to resolve shared desktop security issues as stated in the Oracle Application Framework Troubleshooting Guide (MetaLink Note 275875.1) and in "Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i", Shared Desktop Security (MetaLink Note 285218.1). You should not change this profile option beyond its intended usage.


Profile Option / Internal Code
Default Value
Self-Service Oracle Files Enabled / FND_OA_ORACLE_FILES_ENABLED Determines if enabled attachments within the application can also use Oracle Files Online (OFO) as a document repository.
This value can only be set at the application level. The site level is seeded with a fixed value of N. Any value you set at the application level takes precedence over the value set at the site level.

ID 275876.1

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