Thursday, February 23, 2012

The payables trial balance report is empty although a number of invoices are accounted payables Trial Blance report completed normal but without any data

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Problem: the payables trial balance report is empty although a number of invoices are accounted payables Trial Blance report completed normal but without any data

ON 12.0.6 on production .
When runing the Payables Trial Balance Report , found no output .


Responsibility Payables manager
(N) view requests ;submit a new request
select report name 'Accounts payables trial balance'
fill parameters
A-select the report definition

press submit

(N) view requests find
open the report output from the pervious step
the preort has completed normal
the output only displayes the report paremeters

NOTE: The tables (XLA_TRIAL_BALANCE) has no data

Log files:


Use note NOTE.553484.1 Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Open ..

1) Apply the Remodel 4 patches (and prerequisite ).
2)Rebuild the data .
1.Navigate: Payables Responsibility& gt; Setup > Accounting Setups > Subledger Accounting Setups& gt; Open Account Balances Listing Definitions
2.Query up your Report Definition: select Defined By = Accounting Flexfield or Segment (whichever applies in your case), click “Go
3.Click on Update icon in the "Actions" column – the definition's update page opens.
4. "Touch" the definition by simply clicking "Apply" button (without making any change).
This should start the “Open Account Balances Data Manager” concurrent processes and a (at least one) worker process “TB Worker…”. Wait for them to complete and verify if the TB data was rebuilt:

select xtb.definition_code
,decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' ) upgraded_from_11i
,min( xtb.creation_date ) min_creation_date
,count( * ) events_count
from xla_trial_balances xtb
,xla_ae_headers xeh
where xtb.ae_header_id = xeh.ae_header_id(+)
/*and xtb.definition_code = '&TB_definition_code' */
group by
,decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' )
order by
xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id;

Confirm if the TB report still empty.

1) Note.880546.1 Ext/Pub R12 SLA FAQ on Open Account Balances Listing Report:
2)Note.743390.1 Ext/Pub R12 The Differences between the AP Trial Balance in R12 and 11i:

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