Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Arabic characters are shown in reverse with HTML output

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Problem Description: HTML Reports shows Arabic in reverse order


In file /8.0.6/guicommon6/tk60/admin/Tk2Motif_UTF8.rgbEnsure the the profile option Viewer:Text is set to Browser

From the System Administrator responsibility,

navigate to Install > Viewer Options
ADD new record
File Formst: Text
Mime Type: apps/bidi
Description: Pasta Viewer for bidi

Set the profile option Viewer:Application for Text
Value: Pasta viewer for bidi

In your browser choose enocoding Unicode.

please also review the following:

notes 839520.1 and 816879.1

change the following line
Tk2Motif*fontMapCs: iso8859-1=UTF8 ( or whatever it is set to )
to be
Tk2Motif*fontMapCs: iso8859-1=AR8MSWIN1256

Make sure that the prt files in $FND_TOP\reports contains the following:

code "bold on" esc "[1m"
code "bold off" esc "[0m"
code "underline on" esc "[3m"
code "underline off" esc "[2m"

nls locale "arabic"
nls datastorageorder "logical"
nls contextuallayout "no"
nls contextualshaping "yes"

If you find the following Lines in the .prt files then remove them then add them to the Environment file :


In the enviroment file that you source before starting the concurrent manager :

set both the IX_Printing and
IX_Rendering to the full path of Pasta.cfg file.

Ensure you are using the Pasta Universal printer type and not the Pasta Postscript type.

Then retest for the issue.


Note 552977.1 for reverse Arabic
notes 839520.1 and 816879.1
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