Monday, February 27, 2012

Report Server engines configuration best practices, the 'maxEngine' parameter configuration

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Problem: Report Server engines configuration best practices, the 'maxEngine' parameter configuration


As per Oracle's recommendation, in a server where the Reports Server(s) is / are running, there should be maximum 2 to 3 engines per CPU for optimum performance. This is a cummulative figure irrespective of the number of Reports Server(s) running in that server. Thus, it is recommended to optimally set the "maxEngine" parameter (corresponding to the engine id "rwEng") for each of the Reports Server(s) as follows :

Recommended number of maximum Total number of
'maxEngine' for engines (2 or 3) per CPU x CPU(s) in the server
each Reports Server = -------------------------------------------------------
Total number of Reports Server(s) running in the server

For example, in case of a server having 4 CPUs and 2 Reports Servers running in that server, it is recommended to set the 'maxEngine' parameter for each of the Reports Servers to "4" based on the following calculation :

2 x 4
'maxEngine' of each Reports Server = ----- = 4

Hence, at any point of time, the maximum number of engines that can be active simultaneously for both the Reports Servers running in that server is 4 x 2 = 8.

However, if the utilisation of any of the Reports Server(s) is less compared to the other Reports Server(s) running in that server, then the 'maxEngine' parameter setting for the Reports Server(s) needs to be tuned appropriately. In case of the above example, the 'maxEngine' parameter for the less utilised Reports Server can be decreased from 4 to 2 and that for the mostly utilised Reports Server can be increased from 4 to 6. The point that needs to be kept in mind is that, even with the modified 'maxEngine' parameter settings, the maximum number of engines that can be active simultaneously for both the Reports Servers running in that server is 2 + 6 = 8.

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udump generates after control file autobackup

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Problem: udump generates after control file autobackupLog files: Alert Log file Starting control autobackup Tue Nov 10 09:20:55 2009 Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\dnadb\udump\dnadb_ora_3384.trc: Tue Nov 10 09:20:55 2009 Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\dnadb\udump\dnadb_ora_3384.trc: Tue Nov 10 09:20:55 2009 Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\dnadb\udump\dnadb_ora_3384.trc: Control autobackup written to DISK device handle 'E:\BACKUP\RMAN\DNADB\BACKUPSETS\CONTROL_DNADB_C-3965614685-20091110-00.CTL' Tue Nov 10 09:21:08 2009 Solution: From the alert.log and trace file there is no error message. Also the control file auto backup completed successfully. hence you can ignore this message
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Is it possible to deactivate the required field Need by Date in Sourcing Line?

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Problem: Is it possible to deactivate the required field Need by Date in Sourcing Line?


I have done a research of this issue and have found following explanation on this issue:
Adding the comments for clarification on why this change was made
Currently, need by dates are not required in the create flow, but Promise
date is always required in the bidding flow if the outcome is Standard
Purchase Order.
We want to relieve the restriction that promise date is required in the
bidding flow, as it turns out that PO does not require it all the time. PO
requires need by date or promise date only for certain types of items.
In the create flow, if the line has an inventory item that is a "planned"
item, EITHER the need by from OR the need by to date is required. If it is
a one item in sourcing or if the inventory item is NOT a planned item, we
should keep these 2 fields optional.
In the bidding flow, we should always try to default the promise date to the
'need by to' date, if that is null then default the 'need by from' date. If
both are null, promise date remains null. The ONLY case the promise date
will be required is when the need by dates are scored.
For the create po process, we should be passing in both the need by dates on
the line as well as the promise date on the bid, so we are okay. PO's
autocreate API will work if either one of these fields are entered, if the
item is a planned item as per the PO logic.
An item is a "planned item" if in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table,
INVENTORY_PLANNING_CODE in (1, 2) or MRP_PLANNING_CODE in (3, 4, 7, 8, 9)
Also, for bidding by spreadsheet
The * next to the Promise date column will be removed and the current tip to
indicate when promise date is required will still be there(* next to line
number if required/ # if optional). The logic to show the '*' next to the
line number if promise date is required will change based on the above new

So Development has made here a change which cannot be changed by personalization.
This only can be done via code change.
There is already existing an Enhancement Request:
When creating an RFQ and adding items like CM13139 that have
attributes such as "inventory planned" (or whatever it's called)
you get an error message stating that "need-by date is required
for line X." This is confusing for the end user, especially
because the field is not visibly marked as required.
The system should either dynamically mark the field as required
based on the item chosen or at least provide a more descriptive
error message (eg, "need-by is required for line X because the
selected item is inventory planned.").
See that this will be implemented in R15.

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FAILED: file perzzlookup00760.ldt on worker 1

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Problem: ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:FAILED: file perzzlookup00760.ldt on worker 1
On Applications 12.0.6 :
Facing errors while applying patch E-Business Suite 12.0.4 Release update pack (Rup 4)patch (6435000).

-- Error
************ Start of AD Worker session *************
AD Worker version: 12.0.0
AD Worker started at: Thu Dec 10 2009 08:24:46
APPL_TOP is set to /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl
ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:
FAILED: file perzzlookup00760.ldt on worker 1.
ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.

Log files:
Filename =US_perzzlookup00760_ldt.log
See the following error:
Current system time is Wed Dec 9 14:23:30 2009

Uploading from the data file /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/per/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/perzzlookup00760.ldt
Missing closing quotes from quote started at line 4
Altering database NLS_LANGUAGE environment to AMERICAN
Missing closing quotes from quote started at line 4
Missing closing quotes from quote started at line 4
Dumping from LCT/LDT files (/d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct(120.0.12000000.1), /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/per/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/perzzlookup00760.ldt) to staging tables
Dumping LCT file /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct(120.0.12000000.1) into FND_SEED_STAGE_CONFIG
Dumping LDT file /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/per/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/perzzlookup00760.ldt into FND_SEED_STAGE_ENTITY
Missing closing quotes from quote started at line 4
Uploading from staging tables

Concurrent request completed


The cause for this data has been determined as syntax errors in the file perzzlookup00760.ldt version 120.0.12000000.4.

You have file perzzlookup00760.ldt and version 120.0.12000000.4 which is higher than the version that comes with patch 6435000 (ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.0.4 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (RUP4)).

However checking file perzzlookup00760.ldt version 120.0.12000000.4 I've found the following line:


please note the missing closing quotes (").
The line should be


Correct syntax error in /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/per/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/perzzlookup00760.ldt file and then skip the failed worker using adctrl.
Content of perzzlookup00760.ldt 120.0.12000000.4 has been stubbed as per comment in the file:

# Obsoleted for bug 7277065

Therefore there is no need to run this file.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Correct syntax error in /d03/appltest/ADTST/apps/apps_st/appl/per/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/perzzlookup00760.ldt file.

replace the following line

2. Use adctrl executable from a different Unix session and use hidden option "8" to skip the worker that has failed.

3. Continue with patch application

4. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

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Datapump Export Fails With ORA-39125 And ORA-22813 Operand Value Exceeds System Limits

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Problem: Datapump Export Fails With ORA-39125 And ORA-22813 Operand Value Exceeds System Limits

A full export fails with the following errors:

ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.UNLOAD_METADATA while calling DBMS_METADATA]
ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 105
ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 6234
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
object line object
handle number name
3cc96edb8 14916 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
3cc96edb8 6293 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
3cc96edb8 2339 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
3cc96edb8 6854 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
3cc96edb8 1259 package body SYS.KUPW$WORKER
4e9a30880 2 anonymous block
Job "BKPADM"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_04" stopped due to fatal error at 15:13:13


expdp bkp/passwd dumpfile=dp_adp:expdp_adp-`date +%d%m%Y'`.dmp logfile=dp_adp:expdp_adp-`date +%d%m%Y'`.log full=y

Log files:


This problem is caused by unpublished Bug 6991626 "EXPORT DATAPUMP FAILS WITH ORA-39126 AND ORA-22813":
Datapump export fails to write large volume data and gives error message "ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits".

There is no patch available on top of To solve the issue:

1. Install the latest patchset and then the patch.6991626 available on top of for your platform.
Install the latest patchset and then the patch.6991626 available on top of for your platform.


Note:781638.1 - Datapump Export Fails With ORA-39125 And ORA-22813 Operand Value Exceeds System Limits

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(ORA-04063:view "Apps.AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_V" has errors) when inquiry Recurring invoice

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Problem: (ORA-04063:view "Apps.AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_V" has errors) when inquiry Recurring invoice

Invoices:entry:Recurring Invoices then Ctrl f11 to Inquiry existing recurring Invoices ,an error message displayed (ORA-04063:view "Apps.AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_V" has errors)
Log files:


The table AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_ALL, from which the column pay_awt_group_id is retrieved for the view AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_V, does not include a column called pay_awt_group_id.

The cause is justified by the fact that on querying the table AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_ALL on
customer's instance, it shows that the pay_awt_group_id does not exist.

1) Please download and review the readme for Patch.7575211.
2) Please apply Patch.7575211 in a test environment.
3) Please confirm the following file versions:
apcinreg.ldt 120.8.12000000.3
You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a $AP_TOP/patch/115/import/US/apcinreg.ldt | grep '$Header'
4) Please retest the issue.
5) If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.


Reference Note 872772.1 R12 AP_RECURRING_PAYMENTS_V Invalid After Applying Patch 8627216:R12.AP.A

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When I open update item,all lines open as one line

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Problem: When I open update item,all lines open as one line


When trying to enter a bid in oracle sourcing and update the line it always shows the same line regardless on which update icon is pressed.


Review Note 222339.1 Procurement Family Patch Release History
and apply the current RUP patch Aug 2009 Update - Patch 8781255 on a test instance and check if the problem is solved.

If the patch does not work, do the following:

Disable Self-Service Personal (FND_DISABLE_OA_CUSTOMIZATIONS ) = YES
POR: Enable Requisition Line Customization (POR_ENABLE_REQ_LINE_CUST ) = NO
POR: Enable Req Distribution Customization (POR_ENABLE_REQ_DIST_CUST ) = NO
POR: Enable Req Header Customization (POR_ENABLE_REQ_HEADER_CUST) = NO
be sure that you see this warning
"Personalization is currently disabled. Your application might not work as expected."
otherwise the personalization is still turned on.

and retry the bidding.


Note 222339.1 Procurement Family Patch Release History

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As soon as users open the remittance form in Arabic the connection with server is lost, with the following ERROR: FRM: 92101 error.

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Problem: As soon as users open the remittance form in Arabic the connection with server is lost, with the following ERROR: FRM: 92101 error.


Checked Webiv for:
frm-92101 remittance


From Bug 8242486:
Product: Oracle Receivables (505)
Unable to open Remittance Bank Screen In arabic Interface
arabic language (unable to read) and the error FRM-92101
the problems is when open remittance Screen in english interface it is open
and I can overriden bank ....
but when i try to open screen in arabic Interface this appear message "Error
In connections " and exit from applications

Oracle Forms Team Bug 8293537 - closed the bug as a duplicate of Bug 5997083

Hence closing this bug as a duplicate of Bug 8293537 . Pl follow the action
plan provided by Forms Team in update *** KKAWAHAR 03/03/09 02:15 pm ***in
Bug 8293537 in Support Environment, and then check the reported issue.
This bug looks like a direct hit for the current problem. According with this bug and with the ACT research which showed there is no desincronisation between US and AR form versions, the issue seems to be a forms problem.


Discussing with Oracle Dev it looks like they have stopped providing patches on top of Forms version. Can you please analyze the possibility of upgrading to Forms as per Note 437878.1?

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Find notes can not be created/attached when using the add amount/replace amount options in the standard budget items function.

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Problem: On 12.0.6 in Production:
Find notes can not be created/attached when using the add amount/replace amount options in the standard budget items function.</b>

Expect notes to be attached when using the add amount/replace amount options.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. PSB responsibility--Worksheet--Modify.
2. Query for an existing worksheet.
3. Select any line to modify.
4. Click on 'Standard Budget Items' button.
5. Note icon becomes active in the main toolbar.


The note created in PSB_WS_ACCT1.Create_Note procedure is not assigned to any account line.

This is caused due to the following bug:
Apply Patch 9107577.

The patch delivers an upgraded and modified version of PSB_WS_ACCT1.Create_Note procedure on which the code issue is fixed.


The psb user documentation reference is chapter 31 section 7 , point 4-5. Also please refer to the metalink note 737580.1.

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Negotiation Review Link of the Email Notification Opens the Login Page With Incorrect Language

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Problem: Negotiation Review Link of the Email Notification Opens the Login Page With Incorrect Language Symptoms: The login page opens in the language defined in the standard language of the browser and not the preferred language setting of the user defined in preferences. 1) Create a RFQ with an approver. 2) Approver gets email "Approval Required on an RFQ". 3) Approver opens the email . 4) Click on "Negotiation Review" in the email notification. Solution: Cause There is no parameter mentioned in the Negotiation Link to determine the language code for the login page. Resolution A new parameter 'language_code' is added to the Negotiation Link to determine the language code for the login page. Fixed files by release/location and file names of data fix scripts Fixed Files ----------- $PON_TOP/patch/115/sql/ PONWFUTS.pls-120.4.12000000.5 $PON_TOP/patch/115/sql/ PONWFUTB.pls-120.13.12000000.6 $PON_TOP/patch/115/sql/ PONAUCTS.pls-120.11.12000000.1 $PON_TOP/patch/115/sql/ PONAUCTB.pls-120.63.12000000.6 $PON_TOP/patch/115/sql/ PONAPPRS.pls-120.1.12000000.1 $PON_TOP/patch/115/sql/ PONAPPRB.pls-120.9.12000000.5 This is explained in the following bug: Bug 6268467 LINKS IN NOTIFICATIONS BRING UP EBS LOGIN SCREEN IN ENGLISH Solution 1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for Patch 6435000 ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE 12.0.4 RELEASE UPDATE PACK (RUP4). 2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended patch. 3. Apply the patch in a test environment. 4. Confirm the following file versions: $PON_TOP/ patch/115/sql/ PONWFUTS.pls-120.4.12000000.5 $PON_TOP/ patch/115/sql/ PONWFUTB.pls-120.13.12000000.6 $PON_TOP/ patch/115/sql/ PONAUCTS.pls-120.11.12000000.1 $PON_TOP/ patch/115/sql/ PONAUCTB.pls-120.63.12000000.6 $PON_TOP/ patch/115/sql/ PONAPPRS.pls-120.1.12000000.1 $PON_TOP/ patch/115/sql/ PONAPPRB.pls-120.9.12000000.5 The following select will retrieve the versions from the database: select text from dba_source where line = 2 and name in ( 'PON_WF_UTL_PKG', 'PON_AUCTION_PKG', 'PON_AUCTION_APPROVAL_PKG' ); 5. Retest the issue. 6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments. References: Negotiation Review Link of the Email Notification Opens the Login Page With Incorrect Language [ID 839313.1]
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How to add a browser language setting.

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Problem: How to add a browser language setting


1.Open Internet Explorer
2.Click on the Tools menu
3.Click Internet Options
4.On the General tab select Languages
5.Click Add
6.Select the required language. In case you have already more than one language please move the US as first language.
7.Click OK

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How to remove the "Management Services and Repository" target and add it again.

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Problem: How to remove the "Management Services and Repository" target and add it again.


For the Management Services and Repository

1. Logon Grid Control as a super administrator
2. Go to Setup -&gt; Agents; Click on the Management Agent name "acmpsrv61l.auh.police:3872".
3. From the Agent homepage, choose : Add 'OMS and Repository' from the drop down menu. Then, click on 'Go'.
4. In the next page, enter the details for the repository database :

Repository machine name: acmpsrv61l.auh.police
Repository port: 1521
Repository SID : dbgrid
Repository Connect String : (keep this value empty)
Repository User Name : sysman
Repository Password : password for sysman user.

Then click on 'OK'.

5. Verify in the Agent page, that this has been added under the 'Monitored Targets' list.

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How To Delete and Re-add the target “OMS and Repository” Target in Grid Control?

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Problem: How To Delete and Re-add the target “OMS and Repository” Target in Grid Control?


This document describes the steps to be followed for deleting and re-adding the 'OMS And Repository' target type in the Grid Control.
Some of the scenarios where this may be needed are described below:

- The OMS and Agent (on the OMS machine) have not been upgraded at the same time. This can result in the problem described in Note 387881.1 - Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Support Notes for Windows 10g Release 2 (, Topic: "Independent Upgrade of Oracle Management Service and Central Agent Results in Metric Collection Errors".
To resolve the metric collection errors, the 'OMS and Repository' target needs to be deleted and re-added.

- The 'OMS and Repository target has been discovered from the wrong Agent machine. This target should alwaysbe monitored by the Agent on the OMS machine, irrespective of whether the Repository Database is running on the same machine as the OMS or on a remote machine.

- The 'OMS and Repository' target has been partially discovered i.e there is an entry for the oracle_emrep target in the repository database but the monitoring Agent does not have an entry in its targets.xml file.


1) To delete the 'OMS and Repository' target:

Login to Grid Control using sysman user --&gt; Targets --&gt; All Targets --&gt; in the search drop down menu choose "OMS and Repository" then click go --&gt; select the "Management Services and Repository" target appeared the click on remove.
If this target is removed, it is not possbile to view the performance details of the repository anymore. It is not possible to monitor if all of the OMS components are running fine either. Hence, the target should be immediately added back after the removal.

2) Make sure that the OMS and repository target was removed completely:

Login to the repository database as the sysman user and execute:
select target_name, target_type
from mgmt_targets
where target_type='oracle_emrep';

This should not return any rows.

The usual method of checking status of deleted target from Setup --&gt; "Management Services and Repository" --&gt; "Overview" - 'Deleted targets' page is not possible as the 'OMS and Repository' target itself is being deleted.
3) To add the OMS and repository target, follow the steps in Note 289567.1: 'Management Service and Repository' Page in Grid Control Shows 'No Data Available' / Status Down / Internal Error

In and 11.1 GC, it is not necessary to remove and re-add the 'OMS and Repository' target, if it was originally discovered from the wrong Agent machine. To correct the association, execute:

emctl config emrep -sysman_pwd <sysman password=""> -agent <agent name:port="">
For example:

emctl config emrep -agent omsmachine.domain:3872 -sysman_pwd oracle1


How To Delete and Re-add the target “OMS and Repository” Target in Grid Control? [ID 554835.1]

Note 604311.1: How To Find which Grid Control agent is monitoring the target "OMS and Repository" in case of multiple OMS.

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The application assigns a Payment Reference Number but not Paper Document Number

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Problem: The application assigns a Payment Reference Number but not Paper Document Number

In Oracle applications 12.0.6
oracle payables

The application assigns a Payment Reference Number but not Paper Document Number


The Problem started when i have tried to make Bank Transfer Payment The application assigns a Payment Reference Number but not Paper Document Number



1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for Patch.9074848:R12.AP.A.
password is valid for 7 days: NI2uiXtU
2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying
the recommended patch.

3. Apply the patch in a test environment.

4. Confirm the following file versions:
ibydapib.pls 120.141.12000000.59
You can use the commands like the following:
strings -a $XX_TOP/filename |grep '$Header'

5. Retest the issue.

6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

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EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered,ORA-01031: insufficient privileges,ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 472

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Problem: EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered,ORA-01031: insufficient privileges,ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 472

Full database export using export utility give the following warning messages:

EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 472
ORA-06512: at line 1
EXP-00078: Error exporting metadata for index CS_B_DOCUMENT_SUBJECT. Index creation will be skipped
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 257
ORA-06512: at line 1
EXP-00078: Error exporting metadata for index CS_B_DOCUMENT_SUBJECT. Index creation will be skipped
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 472
ORA-06512: at line 1
EXP-00078: Error exporting metadata for index CS_B_DOCUMENT_CON. Index creation will be skipped
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 257
ORA-06512: at line 1


Cause Determination === Insufficient grants.
Solution === Add grant to the objects.

follow the steps in Note:795492.1, EXP-83 EXP-8 ORA-1031 ORA-6512 On Export After Creating New Database, to check if it's solve your problem.

It's possible you get the problem described in Bug:5530761. For more information please read Note:5530761.8, Bug 5530761 - ORA-1031 from EXP of domain index. Please also read Note:405501.1, Export Ends With Warnings Exp-8 Ora-1031 Exp-78 Exp-78 after CPU install.

The bug is solved in Oracle, patch for Oracle on Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) exist on following link:

Note:795492.1, EXP-83 EXP-8 ORA-1031 ORA-6512 On Export After Creating New Database

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Export Ends With Warnings Exp-8 Ora-1031 Exp-78 Exp-78 after CPU install

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Problem: Export Ends With Warnings Exp-8 Ora-1031 Exp-78 Exp-78 after CPU install

Export of schemas which contain domain indexes it is failing after the instalation of CPU from
Jul. or Oct. 2006.

The export it is terminating with warnings but the content indexes are not exported due the following error on SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
While exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 472
ORA-06512: at line 1
EXP-00078: Error exporting metadata for index ACTIONDES_TIDX. Index creation will be skipped

Recently started receiving the errors messages above when doing an export using a non sys or
system user after upgrading from to


After the installation of CPUJUL2006 on top of the export it is unable to access all the tables even if the user has EXP_FULL_DATABASE role. The export tool is giving warnings on the tables which have context indexes attached.

The BUG is fixed by development on version 11.1 and
To resolve the problem and export all the objects you have the following options:

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1- Bug 5530761 is fixed in 11.1 and .

2- The workaround is to grant 'select any table' privilege to the exporting user.

3-Apply Patch 5530761 if available


Export Ends With Warnings Exp-8 Ora-1031 Exp-78 Exp-78 after CPU install [ID 405501.1]


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Warning :Total width from all rows in the Row Order 301 exceeds the Column Set Margin 39

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Problem: Warning :Total width from all rows in the Row Order 301 exceeds the Column Set Margin 39


Cause Determination === Row order incorrectly defined.

Modifying the Row Order widths and/or Column Set column positions would remove the warnings in the log file and the report would not error out.

Modify the Row Order widths and/or Column Set column positions so there is no overlap.

Navigation:-General ledger Reports Define Row Order


Note 397668.1 FSG Reports Completed With Warnings
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to print the fsg report in Arabic?

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<b>Problem: How to print the fsg report in Arabic?</b>


1) Use SRS program "Program - Run Financial Statement Generator" to produce XML output and then run "XML Publisher" for this XML output with FSG Basic Template to produce PDF output - which you can print if you need.

2) Use SRS program "Program - Publish FSG Report" does all steps as mentioned above as if in one step.

Note:- You CANNOT produce FSG Text output properly for Arabic.

Note 1058967.6 How To Set Up FSG To Run Overnight
Note.370358.1 FSG XML Publisher Frequently Asked Questions

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How To Set Up FSG To Run Overnight

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Problem: How To Set Up FSG To Run Overnight


How do you set up FSG (Financial Statement Generator) reports to run overnight?


Define an FSG report set and schedule it for resubmission by following the
steps listed below:

I. Add Program - Run Financial Statement Generator to Request Group
Responsibility = System Administrator
Navigation = Security -&gt; Responsibility -&gt; Request
Form Name = FNDRSGRP (Request Groups)

1. Navigate to the Request Groups form.

2. With your cursor in the Group field, click on Query/Find or use the
flashlight icon and select GL Concurrent Program Group.

3. The Application field will populate once the group has been selected.
The Code field leave blank. The Description field will populate once
the group has been selected.

4. Under the Requests Type column, place your cursor on any field in
that column then click on Edit/New Record from the menu bar. This will
insert a row.

5. Type = select Program
Name = click on LOV (list of values) and select
Program - Run Financial Statement Generator

6. Save your changes before exiting the form.

II. FSG Program to Allow Standard Submission
Responsibility = System Administrator
Navigation = Concurrent -&gt; Program -&gt; Define
Form Name = FNDCPMCP (Concurrent Programs)

1. Navigate to the Concurrent Programs form.

2. Click on Query/Enter from the menu bar.

3. Enter RG30RFSG in the Short Name field.

4. Click on Query/Run from the menu bar.

5. In the Request region, make sure the Use in SRS check box is
checked [X].

III. Define Report Set

Responsibility = General Ledger Superuser
Navigation = Other -&gt; Report -&gt; Set
Form Name = FNDRSSET (Request Set <request parameters="">)

1. Navigate to Other/Report/Set after switching responsibility to
General Ledger Superuser.

2. Name: Enter a name for your report set.

Description: If desired, enter a description for your report set.

Application: Select Oracle General Ledger from your LOV.

Owner: System will automatically populate this field with your
user name (Note: this field can only be changed by a
System Administrator).

3. Active Dates
Start Date and End Date: Define an effective period when you will run
the request set.

Note: if the current date is outside the date you define, the request
set will not be available in the Submit Requests Window.

4. Execution
Sequential: Runs reports one at a time in the specified order.
Define your report set to run sequentially if a report
depends on the results of a prior report.

Parallel: Runs reports at the same time in any order.

5. Run Options
Abort on Error: If running sequential report set, you can specify
whether to stop the report set if there is an error,
or continue running the rest of the reports in
the set.

Note: if your request cannot run because it has been disabled,
your request set fails, even if you do not check the Error on
Abort check box.

6. Incompatabilities Allowed: Leave this box unchecked to specify that
the request set may run with all other
concurrent requests or report sets.

7. Print Together: Check this check box to send all your requests to the
printer together when they complete or leave this box
blank to send each request one at time to the printer
as it completes.

8. Requests
Seq: Define a sequence for each report you want to run in this
report set.

Name: Select desired report from LOV. If you want to include FSG
reports, select Program - Run Financial Statement Generator.

Application and Description: Automatically populates once a
report name has been selected.

Note: the list of requests you can choose includes the request
which your responsibility allows you access to from the Submit
Request screen.

9. Print Options
Copies: Enter desired number of copies to print.

Style: LOV available for some reports - others it will populate.

Save: Check this box if you want to save to a file.

Printer: Click on LOV and select a defined printer to print reports to.

Note: once the Printer has been selected, the system will automatically
move the cursor down one line. In order to set the parameters for a
report, you will need to move cursor back up to the desired line.

10. Click on the [Parameters] button. This will take you to the
Request Parameters Screen.

-- On the report line, select Default Type = Constant

-- Value: you must type in the EXACT FSG name, there is no
list of values (LOV) available for this field.

-- Period: you can specify the period as a shared parameter.
Again, you must type in the EXACT period name, there is no
LOV available for this field.

Also, on this period line, remove the default type of
SQL Statement. The type and value should be balank if you
are using a shared parameter

11. Save your changes before exiting the form.

IV. Assign Request Set to Security Request Group for GL Responsibility
Responsibility = System Administrator
Navigation = Security -&gt; Responsibility -&gt; Request
Form Name = FNDRSGRP (Request Groups)

1. Navigate to Security -&gt; Responsibility -&gt; Request.

2. With your cursor in the Group field, click on Query/Find from the
menu bar or click on the Find (flashlight) icon on the toolbar
and select GL Concurrent Program Group.

3. After selecting GL Concurrent Program Group, the Application
(Oracle General Ledger) and Description (Program group that includes
all other GL program groups) will default in.

4. With your cursor in the Requests Region of the form, click on
Edit/New Record from the menu bar. This will insert a row for you.
Add the program as follows:

-- Type: Set

-- Name: <new report="" set="">

-- Application: Oracle General Ledger

5. Save your changes before exiting the form.

V. Run Report Set from GL Responsibility
Responsibility = General Ledger Super User
Navigation = Reports -&gt; Request -&gt; Standard
From Name = FNDRSRUN (Submit Requests)

1. Navigate to the Submit Requests form.

2. Type = Set
Name = Your report set name

3. Tab thru each line listed in the Request Set Programs to make sure
the parameters are set for each individual report.

Note: if you need to change the Period, you only need change it on
one report, because if you set it up as a shared parameter it will
automatically make the same change on the other reports in the
request set.

4. If you want to set-up this report set to resubmit on a regular basis,
then go to the Run Options section.

-- At the Resubmit pop-list, select Interval, then enter the required
information as desired.

-- This is discussed in detail in the General Ledger, Release 10.7
Reference Manual, pages 3-52 through 3-54 under Run Options Zone.


How To Set Up FSG To Run Overnight [ID 1058967.6]

Oracle General Ledger Release 10.7 Volume 1, Reference Manual,
part number A13112-5, pages 3-52 through 3-54.

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List of values for parameter 'Report Request' Encountered Error APP-FND-01436 at the time of publishing FSG reports via the XML Report Publisher

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Problem: List of values for parameter 'Report Request' Encountered Error APP-FND-01436 at the time of publishing FSG reports via the XML Report Publisher


Set the profile option 'Concurrent:Report Access Level' to either U (User) or R (Responsibility). 'U', 'R' and Null are the possible values for this profile option. This error occurs when the profile is set to Null.
This profile option can be set at Site, Responsibility or User levels.


See Note:356824.1 for more information.

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FSG (XML Report Publisher) ends in XDO exception error in XDOREPPB module

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Problem: FSG (XML Report Publisher) ends in XDO exception error in XDOREPPB module


FSG does not support special characters such as the ampersand (&amp;).
The special characters should be removed from the FSG definition. Check for these special characters in the FSG components Rowset, Columnset, etc. After you remove these special characters, the FSG XML output publishing should go through successfully.


See Note:339009.1 for more information.

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FSG XML Publisher, What is two step processing and how is the codeset related?

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Problem: FSG XML Publisher, What is two step processing and how is the codeset related?


Two step processing means that the user first runs the FSG to create the XML output, then runs the XML Publisher to publish the FSG output. This method works for any version of XML Publisher.
If the UTF-8 codeset is used, then no additional action is required.
If any other codeset is used, do the following :
Go to "Application Developer" Profile and create a new profile with:
Application: Application Report Generator
User Profile Name: FSG: Database Codeset
Description: Database Codeset
Active Dates Start: 01/01/1951
All check boxes should be checked.
Go to "System Administrator" Profiles System and query all profiles with name starting with FSG%".
Go to the profile "FSG: Database Codeset" , enter your codeset value at the site level and save.

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How do you find the codeset that is being used?

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Problem: How do you find the codeset that is being used?


Run the following script to check which codeset is being used:
SELECT tag FROM fnd_lookup_values
lookup_code = SUBSTR(USERENV('LANGUAGE'), INSTR(USERENV('LANGUAGE'), '.')+1) AND language = 'US';

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How to identify whether the issue is due to FSG or XML Publisher?

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Problem: How to identify whether the issue is due to FSG or XML Publisher?


If the FSG step worked fine, that is if the FSG XML output is correct, then the issue is not caused by the FSG code. Confirm this by opening the output file in Internet Explorer. If the first line of the output shows the correct codeset, then the problem is not caused by FSG code. In this case, the issue should be addressed by the XML Publisher team.

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Publishing of FSG XML output files ends in error in XDOREPPB module

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Problem: Publishing of FSG XML output files ends in error in XDOREPPB module Solution: Modify the Column Set that is used for the FSG, so that both the column sequences, and positions are in sequential (ascending) order. References: See Note:338136.1 for more information.
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What is the compatability of the SRS program "Program - Publish FSG Report" with XML Publisher?

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Problem: What is the compatability of the SRS program "Program - Publish FSG Report" with XML Publisher?


Currently the SRS program "Program - Publish FSG Report" works only for XML Publisher 4.5. Since the internal second step is hardcoded for XML Publisher 4.5, it will error out if a different version is used.

The workaround is to first run FSG (online/SRS) with the XML output option. Then the XML Publisher (any version) should be run to pick up the output of the previous run to produce the PDF file.

NOTE: After applying FSG patch 5713082 or later, the SRS program "Program - Publish FSG Report" works with XML Publisher versions 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 5.6.0, 5.6.1, 5.6.3.
After patch 5713082 (or later) is applied, FSG XML output now has &lt; fsg:RptCell &gt; new attribute RealNum that contains a real number value. All previous XML templates still work in the same way as they did before. However now a new template can be created from an old one, and modified to use instead of , to work with real numbers - not formatted numbers.

This new feature/attribute is the default, after patch 5713082.
To disable this feature and use the old formatted numbers, do the following:

Define the Profile.
Go to "Application Developer" -&gt; Profile -&gt; create new profile with:
Application : Application Report Generator
User Profile Name : FSG: Create Numbers in XML
Description : Create Numbers in XML
Active Dates Start : 01/01/1951
All check boxes should be checked.
Save it.

Assign the Profile.
Go to "System Administrator" -&gt; Profiles -&gt; System -&gt; Query all profiles with name starting as "FSG%".
Go to profile "FSG: Create Numbers in XML" , enter proper value on a site level, save it.
Proper values are :
N - do not create numbers in XML;
If profile "FSG: Create Numbers in XML" is not present, FSG creates the new attribute in XML output.

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The XML Publisher log file contains "The XML page cannot be displayed"

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Problem: The XML Publisher log file contains "The XML page cannot be displayed"

The XML Publisher log file contains the following:
The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource
' 2c Profits provenant de la r

The row 2c, defined in the FSG Row Set, contains a character that was interpreted as being invalid - the word 'r�alisation'. This is similar to the issue reported in Bug 4886151 FSG XML OUTPUT CAN'T BE INTERPRETED BY PARSERS, where special characters from the French and Dutch language were interpreted as being invalid. The solution was to apply the latest FSG patch
See Note:159239.1 for latest FSG patches.

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Program was terminated by signal 11

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Problem: Program was terminated by signal 11
On : 12.0.6 version, Financial Statement Generator

When attempting to run the fsg report ADP Trial Balance from General Ledger the following error occurs.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

General Ledger View Request Submit Request Program - Publish FSG Report

Log files:
RGFSGXML module: Program - Publish FSG Report

Program was terminated by signal 11

+------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------+
Beginning post-processing of request 676325 on node ERPTEST at 05-APR-2010 11:43:23.
Post-processing of request 676325 failed at 05-APR-2010 11:43:23 with the error message:
One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.

RGRARG module: ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿

¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 11

¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿...

Row order incorrectly defined.

From the error "Warning :Total width from all rows in the Row Order 301 exceeds the Column Set Margin 39" which says that the row order needs to be corrected.

Modify the Row Order widths and/or Column Set column positions so there is no overlap.

Navigation:-General ledger Reports Define Row Order

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Receivable Activities screen when opened throws error ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows.

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Problem: Receivable Activities screen when opened throws error ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows. Symptoms: When opening the Receivable Activities screen it triggers. ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows Solution: The cause of the issue is invalid / incorrect data in . Found that there were duplicate records for the ORG_ID with set_of_books_id = -1. Execute the below scripts in the TEST INSTANCE and retest the issue before migrating the changes to PRODUCTION. create table AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL_bckup_82 as select * from AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = -1 and ORG_ID = <&enter_org_id for operating_unit>; delete from AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = -1 and ORG_ID = <&enter_org_id for operating_unit>; COMMIT; After executing the scripts, log out of ORACLE Applications and log in again so that the parameters get affected. Click on Receivables Responsibility and Navigate to Set up -> Receipts -> Receivables Activities and retest the issue. If the issue is resolved, migrate the changes to PROD. References: Note 862952.1
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ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of row

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Problem: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of row
Setup System Options
Try to enter data in the AR System Options form, but receive error:

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of row




Please perform the following action plan on a test instance first.
Please perform all steps in the given order.
Connect to SQLPLUS as apps-user where needed.

create table oss_31690079495_arsyspa as
where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = -1
and ORG_ID = 101;

select count(*) from oss_31690079495_arsyspa ;

-- this should give back 1 row(s)

where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = -1
and ORG_ID = 101;

-- this should delete 1 row(s)


Go into the application and check the forms again.
At least the AR System Options form should work now.

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You have encountered an unexpected error. Please, contact the System Administrator for assistance. Clich here for eon detaixceptils.

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sp error issue : when opening jsp pages, you get the following error :

" You have encountered an unexpected error. Please, contact the System Administrator for assistance.
Clich here for eon detaixceptils. "

This issue is appeared after applying this patch "patch 7488328" to upgrade the form version.

Log files:

File " error_log " shows :
[Mon Apr 19 14:17:28 2010] [error] [client] [ecid: 1271672248:,0] mod_oc4j: Failed to find a failover oc4j process for session request for destination: application://oacore (no island or jgroup).
[Mon Apr 19 14:20:39 2010] [error] [client] [ecid: 1271672439:,0] File does not exist: /erpapp/addev/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/forms/engine/RunformBundle_ar_AE.class

File " application.log " shows :

10/04/19 09:40:39.941 html: Servlet error Broken pipe
at Method)
at java.nio.channels.Channels.write(
at java.nio.channels.Channels.access$000(
at java.nio.channels.Channels$1.write(
at com.evermind.server.http.AJPOutputStream.endRequest(
at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
10/04/19 11:28:21.235 html: Stopped
10/04/19 11:29:37.717 Started
10/04/19 11:29:46.931 html: Started
10/04/19 11:35:09.189 html:
10/04/19 11:35:09.190 html: LeakSetting:

File " access_loig " shows customer is using : JRE 1.5.0_13

[20/Apr/2010:08:13:17 +0400] "GET /OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/fnd/jar/fndcct.jar HTTP/1.1" 304 - 0 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) Java/1.5.0_13" - - [18/Apr/2010:12:32:32 +0400] "GET /OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp?requestUrl=APPSHOMEPAGE&amp;cancelUrl=%2FOA_HTML%2FAppsLocalLogin.jsp&amp;errCode=FND_APPL_LOGIN_FAILED&amp;langCode=US&amp;username=ASEM+STAR1 HTTP/1.1" 302 1146 0 "http://erpdev.auh.police:8003/OA_HTML/RF.jsp?function_id=28804&amp;resp_id=-1&amp;resp_appl_id=-1&amp;security_group_id=0&amp;lang_code=US¶ms=rJELujAwhrqzYVpCtTrzjw&amp;oas=9X78oRRTnI27g6pviB2R_g.." "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)"

XML file shows the following settings :

oacore_jvm_start_options&lt; oa_var _s_oacore_jvm_start_options-server -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms128M -XX:MaxPermSize=160M -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads


First, do a copy / backup of the XML file.
Then edit it and change
From : oacore_jvm_start_options oa_var _s_oacore_jvm_start_options-server -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms128M
To : oacore_jvm_start_options oa_var _s_oacore_jvm_start_options-server -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms256M

Second, Save and bounce the services and restest the issue.

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Invoice Hold Codes dont appear on the invoice screen

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Problem: Invoice Hold Codes dont appear on the invoice screen


12.0.6 - VISAP08 - CPC JUL09

1.Setup -&gt; Invoice -&gt; Hold and Release Names
2.Enter a new Hold
Type = Invoice Hold Reason
Allow accounting = checked
Manual Release allowed = Checked
Inactive on = Null

3.Enter save Invoice

4.Goto Holds and new invoice "AV2 TEST INV HOLD" does exist.


It seem you are on Define Lookup Codes form instead of 'Hold and Release Names '

12.0.6 - VISAP08 - CPC JUL09

1.Setup Invoice Hold and Release Names
2.Enter a new Hold
Type = Invoice Hold Reason
Allow accounting = checked
Manual Release allowed = Checked
Inactive on = Null

3.Enter save Invoice

4.Goto Holds and new invoice "AV2 TEST INV HOLD" does exist.

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e-business suite 12.0.6 upgrade to 12.1 common frequency questions

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Problem: e-business suite 12.0.6 upgrade to 12.1 common frequency questions

we are implementing oracle e-business suite 12.0.6 with the below modules (AP,AR,CE,GL,FA,PO,PON,PC,INV), and we need to upgrade our version to 12.1, we need to know the effect for this upgarde besides to how much time it will take to do this upgrade.


To determine the Time the upgrade will take the only option is testing, the upgrade needs to be tested at least 3 times at a clone of Production (advised). Regarding the changes see the RCD from 12.1.1 see Note 561580.1 - Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Documents

The 12.1.1 Tecnical impact will be that the Whole techstack will be upgraded as part of this Upgrade. The IAS and forms will be upgraded to a version which can be used for 12.1.1

IAS Upgrade : Upgrade OracleAS 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) to Patchset 4 (
Forms Upgrade : Upgrade OracleAS 10g Release (10.1.2) for Forms and Reports to Patchset 3 (

About the functional impact see: Note 561580.1 - Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Documents

Regarding references, we from support could not provide any references about other Customer. To get this information you can try to contact Oracle consultancy for example as they have done many upgrades onsite and therefore could possible provide some more information.

As explained to see the real impact for your specific environment this upgrade should be tested at least 3 times and needs to be tested functional as well by your QA Team.


Note 761568.1 - Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Sun Solaris SPARC (64-bit)
Note 752619.1 - Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Maintenance Pack Installation Instructions

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The payables trial balance report is empty although a number of invoices are accounted payables Trial Blance report completed normal but without any data

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Problem: the payables trial balance report is empty although a number of invoices are accounted payables Trial Blance report completed normal but without any data

ON 12.0.6 on production .
When runing the Payables Trial Balance Report , found no output .


Responsibility Payables manager
(N) view requests ;submit a new request
select report name 'Accounts payables trial balance'
fill parameters
A-select the report definition

press submit

(N) view requests find
open the report output from the pervious step
the preort has completed normal
the output only displayes the report paremeters

NOTE: The tables (XLA_TRIAL_BALANCE) has no data

Log files:


Use note NOTE.553484.1 Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance (Open ..

1) Apply the Remodel 4 patches (and prerequisite ).
2)Rebuild the data .
1.Navigate: Payables Responsibility& gt; Setup &gt; Accounting Setups &gt; Subledger Accounting Setups& gt; Open Account Balances Listing Definitions
2.Query up your Report Definition: select Defined By = Accounting Flexfield or Segment (whichever applies in your case), click “Go
3.Click on Update icon in the "Actions" column – the definition's update page opens.
4. "Touch" the definition by simply clicking "Apply" button (without making any change).
This should start the “Open Account Balances Data Manager” concurrent processes and a (at least one) worker process “TB Worker…”. Wait for them to complete and verify if the TB data was rebuilt:

select xtb.definition_code
,decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' ) upgraded_from_11i
,min( xtb.creation_date ) min_creation_date
,count( * ) events_count
from xla_trial_balances xtb
,xla_ae_headers xeh
where xtb.ae_header_id = xeh.ae_header_id(+)
/*and xtb.definition_code = '&amp;TB_definition_code' */
group by
,decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' )
order by
xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id;

Confirm if the TB report still empty.

1) Note.880546.1 Ext/Pub R12 SLA FAQ on Open Account Balances Listing Report:
2)Note.743390.1 Ext/Pub R12 The Differences between the AP Trial Balance in R12 and 11i:

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Monday, February 6, 2012

4 ملايين مشاهدة و15 ألف تعليق لأغنية تشجع قيادة المرأة في السعودية

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نشر على يوتيوب أغنية إنكليزية تدعو لقيادة المرأة للسيارات في السعودية وحازت خلال ثلاثة أيام على قرابة 4 ملايين مشاهدة مع 15 ألف تعليق حولها ردا على طلب المغنية تعليقات المشاهدين لترد على أفضلها بأغنية .

نجحت مغنية الراب ميا M.I.A وهي المغنية البريطانية ذات الأصول السيريلنكية، في الاستئثار بالاهتمام بأغنيتها على حساب أغنية لمادونا نشرت في نفس اليوم، وذلك بفضل فيديو كليب اسمه باد غيلرز صورته في المغرب ويتضمن لقطات فيديو عن سباق سيارات يحاكي ظاهرة التفحيط والاستعراضات الخطرة في السعودية، مع فريق من الفتيات والشباب بزي سعودي. ويأتي ذلك في دعوة غير مباشرة لتشجيع الفتيات السعوديات على قيادة السيارات في المملكة العربية السعودية

وأطلقت ميا وهي مغنية بريطانية من أصول سيرلنكية M.I.A يوم الجمعة أغنيتها مطالبة بالتعليق عليها مع تعهدها بالرد بأغنية على أفضل تعليق.    وأشارت صحيفة تلغراف بأسلوب عنصري ومعادي للسعودية، في تقييمها للأغنية التي تصنفها أقوى من فيديو مادونا الذي أطلق في ذات اليوم أيضا.   تقلد ميا وفرقتها لقطات نشرت على يوتيوب لظاهرة التفحيط الخطرة التي يقوم بها بعض الشبان السعوديين ونالت استنكارا واسعا على المستوى العالم نظرا لخطورتها واستهتار قائدي المركبات الشبان بأرواحهم وأرواح من حولهم في حركات استعراض بالغة الخطورة. يمكن الاطلاع 

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UNNAMEDnnnnn file in standby site after new file added to primary database

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A new file is added to Primary database but due to various reasons was not created at the standby database.

Standby Database is giving the below error :

ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-01111: name for data file 52 is unknown - rename to correct file
ORA-01110: data file 52: '<path>/dbs/UNNAMED00052'
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 52 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01111: name for data file 52 is unknown - rename to correct file
ORA-01110: data file 52: '<path>/dbs/UNNAMED00052'


There are many reasons for a file being created as UNNAMED or MISSING in the standby database, including insufficient disk space on standby site. So a place holder for the now missing file is added to the controlfile:



At the standby site, find any directory with sufficient space and create the file manually, renaming the file UNNAMEDnnnnn in the process: 

alter database create datafile '<path>/dbs/UNNAMED00052' as '<path>/<filename>' ;

 '<path>/dbs/UNNAMED00052' will be taken from view v$datafile. For example:

SQL> select file#, name, status, creation_time from v$datafile where file# = 52
or name like '%UNNAMED%';


NOTE:184327.1 - Common Causes and Solutions on ORA-1157 Error Found in Backup & Recovery
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Friday, February 3, 2012

How to import data from Excel file to table using toad

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How to import data from Excel file to table using toad

The following are the steps to follow import data from Excel
sheet to and Oracle Table.

First the Table should exist with the same number of colums as that
in the excell sheet.
then in Toad. go to

Database--->Import--->Table Data
Then select the proper schema and Table name where in data should be inserted,
then click "Execute Wizard" where you can specify the type of file to
be imported.
pls select "Excel File (.xls)" and click next, after that give the
path of the file, and again click next and finally click execute.. and
your data will be transferred into the table as desired. 

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payables Trial Blance report completed normal but without any data

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Problem: payables Trial Blance report completed normal but without any data

ON 12.0.6 on production.
When runing the Payables Trial Balance Report , found no output .


Use note NOTE.553484.1 Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance

1) Apply the Remodel 4 patches (and prerequisite ).
2) Rebuild the data .

Rebuild the data for TB , then provide the Query output :

1. Navigate: Payables Responsibility > Setup> Accounting Setups > Subledger Accounting Setups > Open Account Balances Listing Definitions
2. Query up your Report Definition: select Defined By = Accounting Flexfield or Segment (whichever applies in your case), click“Go”
3. Click on Update icon in the "Actions" column – the definition's update page opens.
4. "Touch" the definition by simply clicking "Apply" button (without making any change).
This should start the “Open Account Balances Data Manager” concurrent processes and a (at least one) worker process “TB Worker…”.Wait for them to complete and verify if the TB data was rebuilt:

select xtb.definition_code
, xeh.ledger_id
, decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' ) upgraded_from_11i
, min( xtb.creation_date ) min_creation_date
, count( * ) events_count
from xla_trial_balances xtb
, xla_ae_headers xeh
where xtb.ae_header_id = xeh.ae_header_id(+)
/* and xtb.definition_code = '&TB_definition_code' */
group by
, xeh.ledger_id
, decode( xeh.upg_batch_id, null, 'No', 'Yes' )
order by
xtb.definition_code, xeh.ledger_id;

Confirm if the TB report still empty .
3) Since "there is no query out put to provide" , i do believe that your setting for TB is not correct , most of the customer are mixing the R11 and R12 Tb but they are different in settings .Please review the following :

Please notice that the setup for R12 report is different than R11 :

1) Note.880546.1 Ext/Pub R12 SLA FAQ on Open Account Balances Listing Report:
2) Note.743390.1 Ext/Pub R12 The Differences between the AP Trial Balance in R12 and 11i:
3) If new install of R12, Navigate to:

Payables Responsibility > Setup > Accounting Setups> Open Account Balances Listing Definitions

Review the Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide section on "Creating Open Account Balances Listing Definitions" for instructions on how to setup a new report definition.

Please review the above notes and guide and revert back to support with your answers and comments.


NOTE.553484.1 Troubleshooting Accounts Payable Trial Balance
Note.880546.1 Ext/Pub R12 SLA FAQ on Open Account Balances Listing Report
Note.743390.1 Ext/Pub R12 The Differences between the AP Trial Balance in R12 and 11i
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