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Problem Description:
While trying to start agent installation on Active/passive environment ( using VIP), I am getting:
Starting agent failed ....... failed
Failed to start HTTP listener
+ emagent.trc
2010-12-13 13:43:49,532 Thread-1 ERROR http: snmehl_allocateListenerPort: failed to get host info. Could not resolve name
+ emagent.nohup
----- Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010::Checking status of EMAgent : 25414 -----
----- Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010::EMAgent exited at Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010 with return value 55. -----
----- Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010::EMAgent has exited due to initialization failure. -----
1) set the ORACLE_HOSTNAME parameter to vip Hostname
2) Put an entry of vip Hostname in /etc/hosts file on both the active/passive host in pattern
<IP Address> <Hostname>.<DomainName> <Hostname>
3) Start the Agent
emctl start agent
Further more :
1) Confirm the Hostname and port to which Agent is configured.
1.1) Search for EMD_URL in $AGENT_HOME/sysman/config/ file
grep 'EMD_URL' $AGENT_HOME/sysman/config/
1.2) From the EMD_URL parameter value, we will get Hostname and port details
2) nslookup <hostname in EMD_URL in file>
3) nslookup <IP Address> ,where <IP Address> we will get as a result of step - 2)
4) export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<hostname in EMD_URL in file>
5) export EMCTL_DEBUG=true
6) $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
7) Please provide the output of each step as well as $AGENT_HOME/sysman/log/*
As we debugging the emctl command, so will have more information in log/trc file and so we are requesting to send the "$AGENT_HOME/sysman/log/*" again.
Try Also:
The parameter EMD_URL in file should have the Host using which the Agent has been configured.
Below are the steps to verify and correct the issue.
1. Understand Agent is installed with Physical hostname or Virtual Hostname
2. Run ifconfig to check whether there are multiple NICs
3. Check file for parameter ListenOnAllNICs. Set it to False (as you have already done)
4. If Agent is installed with Physical hostname,
Run the command "hostname" and check if it returns the same value
If yes, then start the Agent.
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
5. If Agent is installed with virtual hostname,
set ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<emd_url host>
start Agent
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
Confirm the below:
Please confirm the few point regarding your setup/installation.
1. Is this location "/oradg2/orasys/Grid10g/agent10g" is shared location among both adsun4 and adsun5 nodes of active/passive setup ?
(as per doc its prereqs)
2. Have yo installed agent on physical node to monitor the local services of physical node ?
3. What is the command used to install agent with virtual name ?
Have you used the following command to install agent with virtual name ?
$./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <shared location>/oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOSTNAME=adp2-lh.auh.police –debug
if not , please could you paste the exact command used during agent installation ?
4. Exepcetd /etc/hosts entries should be as below:
**** localhost.localdomain localhost
z.z.z.z. adp2-lh.auh.police adp2-lh
x.x.x.x adsun4.auh.police adsun4
y.y.y.y adsun5.auh.police adsun5
on another node also entry shld be localhost.localdomain localhost
z.z.z.z. adp2-lh.auh.police adp2-lh
x.x.x.x adsun4.auh.police adsun4
y.y.y.y adsun5.auh.police adsun5
5. Are you able to resolve the virtual hostname from each node with properr entry in /etc/hosts file ?
Verify the following From active node :
$more /etc/hosts | grep adp2-lh
$ping adp2-lh.auh.police
$nslookup adp2-lh.auh.police
6. Oracle recommend to follow the steps mentioned in the doc 406014.1
Upload the following details from both the nodes ( zip files as node1 and node2)
While trying to start agent installation on Active/passive environment ( using VIP), I am getting:
Starting agent failed ....... failed
Failed to start HTTP listener
+ emagent.trc
2010-12-13 13:43:49,532 Thread-1 ERROR http: snmehl_allocateListenerPort: failed to get host info. Could not resolve name
+ emagent.nohup
----- Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010::Checking status of EMAgent : 25414 -----
----- Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010::EMAgent exited at Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010 with return value 55. -----
----- Mon Dec 13 13:43:52 2010::EMAgent has exited due to initialization failure. -----
1) set the ORACLE_HOSTNAME parameter to vip Hostname
2) Put an entry of vip Hostname in /etc/hosts file on both the active/passive host in pattern
<IP Address> <Hostname>.<DomainName> <Hostname>
3) Start the Agent
emctl start agent
Further more :
1) Confirm the Hostname and port to which Agent is configured.
1.1) Search for EMD_URL in $AGENT_HOME/sysman/config/ file
grep 'EMD_URL' $AGENT_HOME/sysman/config/
1.2) From the EMD_URL parameter value, we will get Hostname and port details
2) nslookup <hostname in EMD_URL in file>
3) nslookup <IP Address> ,where <IP Address> we will get as a result of step - 2)
4) export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<hostname in EMD_URL in file>
5) export EMCTL_DEBUG=true
6) $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
7) Please provide the output of each step as well as $AGENT_HOME/sysman/log/*
As we debugging the emctl command, so will have more information in log/trc file and so we are requesting to send the "$AGENT_HOME/sysman/log/*" again.
Try Also:
The parameter EMD_URL in file should have the Host using which the Agent has been configured.
Below are the steps to verify and correct the issue.
1. Understand Agent is installed with Physical hostname or Virtual Hostname
2. Run ifconfig to check whether there are multiple NICs
3. Check file for parameter ListenOnAllNICs. Set it to False (as you have already done)
4. If Agent is installed with Physical hostname,
Run the command "hostname" and check if it returns the same value
If yes, then start the Agent.
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
5. If Agent is installed with virtual hostname,
set ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<emd_url host>
start Agent
$AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
Confirm the below:
Please confirm the few point regarding your setup/installation.
1. Is this location "/oradg2/orasys/Grid10g/agent10g" is shared location among both adsun4 and adsun5 nodes of active/passive setup ?
(as per doc its prereqs)
2. Have yo installed agent on physical node to monitor the local services of physical node ?
3. What is the command used to install agent with virtual name ?
Have you used the following command to install agent with virtual name ?
$./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <shared location>/oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOSTNAME=adp2-lh.auh.police –debug
if not , please could you paste the exact command used during agent installation ?
4. Exepcetd /etc/hosts entries should be as below:
**** localhost.localdomain localhost
z.z.z.z. adp2-lh.auh.police adp2-lh
x.x.x.x adsun4.auh.police adsun4
y.y.y.y adsun5.auh.police adsun5
on another node also entry shld be localhost.localdomain localhost
z.z.z.z. adp2-lh.auh.police adp2-lh
x.x.x.x adsun4.auh.police adsun4
y.y.y.y adsun5.auh.police adsun5
5. Are you able to resolve the virtual hostname from each node with properr entry in /etc/hosts file ?
Verify the following From active node :
$more /etc/hosts | grep adp2-lh
$ping adp2-lh.auh.police
$nslookup adp2-lh.auh.police
6. Oracle recommend to follow the steps mentioned in the doc 406014.1
Upload the following details from both the nodes ( zip files as node1 and node2)
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